1) I absolutely thought Uncle Joe Biden was tweeting about sexual positions, and freaked out a bit. I'm not sure who Joe Budden is, but at least he isn't Uncle Joe.
1) I absolutely thought Uncle Joe Biden was tweeting about sexual positions, and freaked out a bit. I'm not sure who Joe Budden is, but at least he isn't Uncle Joe.
Perhaps prison broke them up? I would think his parole would stipulate that he can't be around a household with children in it, so he'll just end up back in jail when the first episode with him in it airs.
Xander! Did 4th season of Buffy teach you nothing? Beer bad (and foamy)
If we could swap Andy for Ryan Seacrest, it would be a perfect scenario. Alas, I fear that Seacrest's deal with the devil precludes we mere mortals from having the powers to kill him.
For some it is a "put on" voice. I seem to remember this site had a voice comparison of Paris Hilton when she is on camera she uses that baby voice, but her natural voice is actually lower pitched.
I miss Dodai, but Goddamn! what a fantastic Week in Tabloids! It had that touch of Dirt Bag, which just sealed the deal. Well done, newbie.
Oh, fuck. I've loved your writing since day one. With all the mass exodus I hoped you wouldn't be next. Let's go out with a bang!
I was just thinking the same thing. Basically everyone who's departed went there, right?
I was a bit disappointed that the Julie Andrews clip ended before the "reveal", but I'll blame that on the clip and not you. The only way I could love you more Rebecca Rose, is if you did the switcheroo on us and posted the Robert Preston version of Lady of Seville.
I will defer judgment until I know where the come down in terms of Goop vs Preserve, Katey vs. Taylor, and Tom Hiddleston - yes or hell yes.
I ... uh... um... thoughts... um.... good g-d, what just happened to my loins??!!!
It was in the 70's/80's that I realized my baby fine hair was never EVER going to magically transform into Farrah Fawcett hair.
DAMMIT! I have to give my kitty drugs before I take him to the Vet (the Vet insists! he goes feral when he's there). Why, why, WHY didn't I take photos/videos of Mr. Meow??!!
I'm more concerned with what appears to be chevron stretch marks on her belly. Is this ILLUMINATI encasing/protecting the next coming of the Beybey?
Your Saturday Dirtbags made each and every hangover a bit more tolerable.
I am unable to figure out GIFs, but imagine the best of the best slow clap gifs for your Lars bit! slow. clap
Not that the two equate, but Mindy did have an episode dealing with safe-sex for teenagers, complete with handing out information, and condoms at the girl's school. If addressed, it doesn't have to be a big deal, it could just be the "gang" talking about it and saying that they've had one (or two). Basically, I'm glad…
We're regressing on race relations. We're regressing on women's issues. We live in a place where teachers are treated like the enemy, because they belong to a dirty, stinkin' union. I know I should express more outrage than I do, but it's really because I can't wrap my brain around all of this idiocy.
No requirement to still watch Downton Abbey, Rebecca. George's appearance is a one-off for charity that won't even be shown Stateside. Damn yooouu, Brits!!!
But Beyoncé does it. Michele Obama does it. So it must be possible. And, I would hazard a guess, after her fans see this, they will be unrelenting until the principal caves.
Oh Phil Donahue! That loveable lug. I also remember that segment and remember being enthralled and freaked out at the same time