phantom lady

I like Elizabeth Moss as much as the next person, but she was awful in Top of the Lake. She couldn't decide what her accent was suppose to be from scene to scene. That is not award-worthy acting.

I'm getting more of a Dallas or Dynasty vibe

Weevil is only missing from the trailer, he is indeed in the movie. There are photos of Wallace and him passing out donuts to fans at ComiCon (I think? or some activity such as that)

Fabulous! that, hopefully, means this is the last we have to hear from Mr. LeBeoufe on this and all other subjects

Much Ado about Peeing
Taming of the loo
The TemPissed

I'm sure the reason he took the pussy is it is needed to battle the demons. Everyone knows demons fear the pussy, right?

And so his path of fabrication continues. How long until he apologizes for this?

I've read the story, and it is indeed sad, but I'm right there with you - scream, pee, die.

For aught that I have ever known, or heard by tell of history, the course of true love never did pee straight

"Guess Who", and then when they reveal the "who" I'm still thinking, who?

While my knowledge of sky-writing is minimal (e.g., "surrender Dorothy"), Shia's message looks like some photoshop effort, right? It doesn't seem possible that the dots could line up that well using a plane.

I would add to the list shipper or ship. Unless one is talking about the boating and/or shipping business, it should not be used. That it is used to describe those who worship a couple (real or fictional), is like nails on a chalkboard! I suppose if it has to remain, at least put an apostrophe in front of it to

Oh, Charlie, aren't you clever? When you need her, Denise is the best. But if she goes against you, she is suddenly a beast?
It's Christmas Eve Eve, for freak sake, I could have done without the nasty Charlie Sheen post.

I like both actors, but, no doubt, Hiddleston wins this version* of the dance off.

Right? I have to come to Jezebel to find out he dumped me? I need to go eat a pint of ice cream

I could be wrong because I haven't seen them all, yet, but all the actresses

This interview actually helps me understand Kanye's bound 2 video a bit more. his speech/thought patterns are as disjointed as the video.

I'm heading over to a new friends house for "the dinner". there is mix of vegan, gluten free, vegetarian, gluten free vegan, and meat eaters. I'm a little afraid.

We can talk or not talk about nothing for days

The casserole pizza is more like a pot-pie pizza and can be found at Chicago Oven Grinders - and even that is delicious. True deep dish is the best thing in life.
Also Meghan and Madeline are the only Jez writers who aren't dead to me