Why do they need British accents anyway?!?!! Elle isn't British. Angelina isn't British. just go with American accents for pete's sake!!!
Why do they need British accents anyway?!?!! Elle isn't British. Angelina isn't British. just go with American accents for pete's sake!!!
I took it as Doug trying to raise to the standards set by our own "Burt Reynolds". and failing.
Don't get saucy with me, Bernaise
Real Burt!! So excited to see your byline! I share your love of Jaime Lyn's doggy; so cute. the baby's ok
What is this 3 part cup bra of which you speak?
Get Home (now) Lingeria?
Take out the music references in Lordes' quote and she's summed up the political industry.
Yes! and for fuck's sake, could someone get Miley a glass of water!!
I would think you would know how it works by now, Miley, but here is a refresher. When talking about your wreck of a Wrecking Ball video and say this other person inspired it, people are going to ask the other person what they think about that. And in this day and age of social media, an open letter was the form used.…
I'd hope to be someone like Julia Louis-Dreyfus.
Forget the Miley monkey, what the hell is up with the furry in the background??!!!!
I'm not sure what Naya Rivera is going for - anti-Glee? but I'm not catching whatever she's throwing.
I had an ex who said that to me all the time. It starts to sound like a threat after a while.
What the hell is Chief Keef talking about?
I need need need need that sweater Bey is wearing. NEED IT! I'm sure it's not very expensive, right?
Harry is all "Bloody 'ell, would you quit yapping and watch the match". And Kate is all, "I asked if you wanted to switch seats, and you were all grumpy grumpy 'it's my seat, I don't want to switch.' so bugger off nancy"
Exactly! There isn't an original look in the bunch.
I saw that photo and my immediate reaction was, how old is she? My tits haven't been that high up on my chest since puberty - at 14. Aren't the models suppose to be at least 16?
lots of lost virginities?
After yesterdays post on telling how you lost your virginity, all I thought was, wow, a lot of people popped their cherries in the Hamptons this summer.