
In 1991, women who had had sex ed, birth control and abortion available their whole lives were starting to have kids. These children have grown up in a world where birth control is ok and expected, and with less shame about sex (there's still too much idiocy and shame out there, but it's miles better than it used to

I don't know if Malik Gil really qualifies as a "rape apologist". He's just dumbly concerned with how he appears rather than how other people feel.

I don't really like that this post calls Kendall Karson's motives for publicizing this fundraiser into question. The porn community seems to be small, close-knit and supportive of it's actors and crew members in many ways. It's natural that when one high profile performer is brutalized and that her story is made

I think that if someone is doing something for publicity, but it's still ultimately a good thing to do, then there's nothing wrong with trying to get publicity. The good thing is still happening. It seems like Dog isn't actually doing anything, though, but that Karson is.

Whether this is a publicity stunt or not isn't important. The woman needs help and this can help her.

But a homicide is a significant crime, and much graver than anything else - however destructive - that has happened since. To blame all the sequelae on the police officer is silly. Still, the memory of his actions indubitably fuels what is happening. More importantly, maybe, the way the police is reacting to it feeds

I agree with what you're saying, but racism isn't just "American." It's human. Not saying it's right - just saying that every nation and culture has racists. Americans, despite what many would have you believe, are (on the whole) some of the least racist people on the planet. At least we recognize that our racism

Juxtapose (April 11)

Counterpoint: bacon is delicious.

Which starter has had the most sex? Hmmm. This is a friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend story, but my good buddy is a football coach. One of his friends, who coached with him, is a former NFL teammate of Peyton Manning. Word on the street is that Peyton Manning was AT LEAST as prolific as Tiger Woods when it came to

But there's a difference between underrated and "not hip," right? I mean, I've had better DIPAs, and I've certainly heard obnoxious beer hipsters try to convince me of what the most badass IPA currently is anytime I go to a craft-heavy bar or liquor store, but it's hard for me to imagine 90- minute has become

You bastard!

The Jackson family is bitterly disappointed and saddened they could not exploit the ranch for their own profit.

I think i got whiplash from the sudden tone shift in this article. Not saying it wasn't funny but it was odd going from serious story about guns to a comedy sketch involving invoking demon gods.

Since when does being famous mean you give up freedom of speech?

El* The Elevated tracks.

I'm not saying that you are, and the rest of the piece makes it clear that you take this stuff more seriously than most of the other people covering the sport. It just struck an oddly dissonant note with the rest of the essay when I read it.

It was bound to happen.

Can confirm.

"The term "manic pixie dream girl" has become so embedded into our cultural lexicon"