I realize the English language has a lot of complication and nuance, but I’m relatively certain we have a term for what happens when you have sex with someone and they dont consent.
I realize the English language has a lot of complication and nuance, but I’m relatively certain we have a term for what happens when you have sex with someone and they dont consent.
I hate forced social music. Music to me has always been very private. Either because of my awkward tastes that I’m too embarrassed to share or the song got me through a dark private time. I don’t mind the communal experience of a concert but like I’ve actively chosen to participate in that. This is the height of…
I would not be here if not for the Spanish flu. My grandmother was a young nurse who came to my grandfather’s home to nurse his ailing children and wife. His wife died and he eventually married my grandmother. They had 5 kids of their own, the youngest was my dad.
I’m to the point where the only thing I found surprising about this is that he’s figured out how to embed a video in a tweet.
*flips table*
Why is Gwyneth wearing my Nana’s house coat? Does she keep her smokes in the inside pocket too?
THIS was my take on it too. If they were too drunk to consent and she tried to stop the scenes from escalating this makes sense. My guess is they continued to film because they thought it makes good tv not realizing that it is actually assault when people are too wasted to consent.
The statute of limitation needs to fucking die.
I think every woman on this planet (and more than a few men) are going to love the slow slide into Hell that Cosby is going to suffer.
I wonder if she said it was her real name, not her legal one, but the reporter thought by real she meant legal.
Rebel Wilson is an attorney?!?
But that suite opened in 2008 and closed in 2014. Here, she makes it sound like she got to go there as a kid or something. She got an exclusive tour of Disney with the Pitch Perfect cast, which was probably 2012/2013. That’s most likely when she got to see that suite.
Well, if a contingency plan was in their contract, then Swift’s people would’ve known from the beginning that there’s a chance they could leave.
I’m gonna be honest. I don’t hear it at ALL.
They were grandparents and little children. If they’d been 16-year-olds, he’d have been straight out to help… After ringing his assistant to set up the cameras…
Yeah, he should’ve lent them his assistant. Apparently they’re great at hauling around 25 lbs.
I’m guessing he also has a vast well of sympathy for all the people for whom lugging bags for BLOCKS is the norm when flying, because cabs are a luxury and they take public transportation.
you know how people say new york is nice to visit, but i wouldnt want to live there?
I’d like to second this and say, unequivocally:
Bethenny and Jason hate each other more than they love their kid.