
Twitter is imploding. Some guy told me to get back into the kitchen where I belonged and I kindly suggested he should think about sticking his dick in a blender. Twitter gave me a 12 hour-time out time out for *inciting violence.* I wasn’t suggesting others stick his did in a blender just that he might want to give it

Stories about Franco have been around for a very, very, long time. He’s a creep and I’m glad he’s finally being called out. Unchecked unethical behavior escalates until forced accountable. Is he a Weinstein? No, but now we know he won’t be given the chance to become one either.

The one caveat is if passengers were able to pelt the singers with airline snacks, then I’m on board.

Narcissists, lacking in self-awareness, should be shipped to an island where they can torment each other with inappropriate loud singing, inserting themselves uninvited into each other’s conversations or endless selfies. It’s a personality disorder where the only cure is isolation from the rest of the world.

Megyn Kelly is horrible. This one of Tegna, NBC’s worst decisions that said, she wasn’t wrong to ask the question. Fonda was selling a movie about older people, and has previously stated regretting getting plastic surgery. Why not explain to other people why and maybe help someone else make a better decision? She

Megyn Kelly is horrible. This one of Tegna, NBC’s worst decisions that said, she wasn’t wrong to ask the question. Fonda was selling a movie about older people, and has previously stated regretting getting plastic surgery. Why not explain to other people why and maybe help someone else make a better decision? She

Formerly in the medical field for 15 years and in and out of hospitals and doctors offices around sick people every single day. Many hospitals started demanding vendors & reps get flu shots. I always refused because like you, the two years I did get the flu shot were the worst two years I had the flu out of 15 that I

With a headline like that it’s no wonder there’s a proliferation of #FakeNews. Suggesting or implying, even in jest or worse pseudo medically qualified, that people should get the flu shot is irresponsible.

If she was too drunk to consent and they filmed it anyway, they filmed a sexual assault. My guess is that it’s a female producer who was exposed to not only workplace abuse but possibly committing a criminal act for her employer just by being present. Glad someone came forward and the show is canceled.

This season was not such much binge-worthy as it was narcolepsy inducing. So many words, so little plot. Maybe now that Claire Underwood character is president Robin Wright will be paid more than the bloated Kevin Spacey.

It sounds like Wilson likes to either re-write history (intentional) or suffers from delusions (mental health problems). The name on your birth certificate is your legal name. She’s lost this case and has no one to blame but herself for the fall-out as a result of filing a fraudulent lawsuit. Normally she could find

The Bette & Joan of our time, only too dim to realize they’re manipulated by record executives to continue this stupid feud. They’re both annoying as fuck but Swift is extremely insecure which accounts for her controlling behavior. Her dancers made a business decision and she took it personally. I’d like for someone

Agree, they would have earned probably 3 million + to pay that amount in taxes. It appears Tori is extremely insecure and Dean is likely a sociopath who needs to spend in order to be *happy* something he’ll never be and she’ll never be as long as she’s with him. I also suspect this is exactly why her mother refuses

They’ll tragically unhappy and buy things to try and solve problems. Not unlike many people in unhappy marriages, just on a larger scale than the average person.

Awe his brothers were going to catch his next wedding but Sandoval and Jax needed a storyline that didn’t involve coke or hair products.

Whoever got Tom a divorce attorney as a wedding gift is the winner.

Me either but I can’t carry a tune in bucket so maybe that has something to do with it.

People are confusing activism and capitalism. Nordstrom, Uber GM all manipulating capitalism to look like activism to cash in, nothing more.

Underrated comment. She’s an abusive person and is no victim.

Bethenney is constantly leaking one side to the press a la Angelina Jolie. There are women who are victims of spousal abuse but neither of these women are.