
Right-wing German industrialists and financiers thought they could control Hitler. Until  he murdered them and took their stuff.

Musk is in the ultimate “fuck you” money position of anyone. I honestly don’t believe he would even care much if Tesla went down in flames, but he’ll of course say whatever needs to be said to keep the house of cards upright for as long as possible while he cashes in the stock. 

Trump’s cutbacks must have included his make-up lady; you can see the line of demarcation where she got grossed out touching his neck wattle.

The lead pic, and I noticed his pics yesterday. JFC does the man do his own makeup? Really bad. I wear a tinted moisturizer/sunscreen but the trick to dudes wearing some face paint now & then is to not make it that noticeable. He’s reminding me of demented Bette Davis in “What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?”

Even though I might be crouching in the smoking ruin of America, I will laugh the day Trump’s malevolent abuse of federal power comes down full force on Musk.

Sustainable transport is inevitable, despite Musk, not because of him.

It was pretty much a conservative maxim that local control, government close to the people was preferable. Also allowing localities to experiment on policies “let 100 flowers bloom” was key. Well I guess that’s another policy where ideology has changed. New Yorkers don’t get into the minutiae of the Texas toll roads

No. Just no.  Fox News wants you to believe that, but the answer is no. If you are so low income that $9/day is the difference between going to work or eating, you either shouldn’t own a car or you shouldn’t be driving it in Manhattan. I work in Manhattan (below 60th St.) and take public transportation evne though I

It is entirely possible that the abrupt firing of the FAA head, and out-of-the-blue federal budget freeze and the ongoing federal employee buyout, created unnecessary distractions for the air traffic controllers.

He’s better at piloting than the pilots!

Aren’t congestion fees primarily impacting low income and minority residents?

I’m honestly of the opinion that states should just start saying ‘fuck off’ to the fed, absolute obstruction, no compliance, even/especially with things like this.  

It does seem very regressive.

- Donald Trump on what the helicopter should have done.

Big people, strong people with tears in their eyes

Many people are saying that President Trump was smart to get out before the crash, get out before the crash, you’ve got to get before the crash, it’s what you do, folks, get out before the crash, believe me!

And small government.

who said that the legality of such a move would be deeply suspect

Many people are saying that there is nothing better for the economy than sitting stuck in traffic!

The party of “States’ Rights”