So. Many. Red. Flags. Spend a bit more for a no-excuses example or search harder for another option without all the stories. Hard ND.
So. Many. Red. Flags. Spend a bit more for a no-excuses example or search harder for another option without all the stories. Hard ND.
You can get a better one for the same or less money. This one sold last year with fewer miles, no wash title issues, and no mods for the same money. Plus it’s the more desirable 3.2L/6-speed car.
If you have the money to buy this and you want one so badly, keep saving your pennies until you can buy one that’s less of a crapshoot. ND.
Age + Miles + Sketchy Title + Price = NFD
Easy ND, can find newer, cheaper NSX’s with fewer miles, and that’s before the title issues. Everything about this car stinks.
ND on the title issues. You don’t want to come home and find the police have the car. CP on the miles.
Florida is the Enthusiastically Eats Lead Paint Chips state.
The smog was my first thought. I remember as a kid that California seemed to be covered in perpetual fog, but their strict emissions laws helped clean the air tremendously. California still seems to have the best car culture in the country despite the regulations. I guess it helps to be able to enjoy your cars when…
2nd Gear: Didn’t we fight a civil war because of certain states’ traitorous attempt to secede over their immoral “state’s rights” to deprive people of their freedom? Ironic that those same states today want to exercise their states’ rights to worsen life for their citizens in various ways such as interfering with…
DEI is good for business and most big companies know this. Most will scrub anything that looks like DEI from public materials and will be more careful with internal communications, but most DEI work will continue.
Just watch; they'll be revisiting the overturn of Dred Scott any day, now
Butbutubut someone underqualified may get a job they don’t deserve! Because without DEI, that *never* happens.
With study after study after study showing that heterogenous groups of people make better decisions, and a similar number of studies showing that homogeneous groups make worse decisions, it should be quite obvious that having diversity in any workforce is a recipe for success.
“2nd Gear: Not again. A court case already reaffirmed California’s ability to set its own emissions rules, per Republican Nixon’s EPA.”
Personally, I’d kinda like to see the world’s 5th largest economy declare it’s independence.
The first lesson any cult initiate learns is that questioning the leader is the only actual unforgivable sin.
The party of “States should be allowed to regulate this” until states aren’t doing it the way they want them to.
2nd gear. Growing up as a car crazed kid in SoCal, I had a lot of animosity for CARB, especially when it came to smogging my 914. However, I also remember not being able to go out for recess at school because of the air quality. Going to my cousin’s house in Pasadena to go swimming and then having a smoker’s cough all…
I bet Putin is sitting in his volcano lair just laughing his ass off at us.
1St Gear: official wipe from documentation to PR reports doesn’t mean it’s gone. Many companies are just moving forward internally, with no changes to policy. They know what’s right.