The party of “States should be allowed to regulate this” until states aren’t doing it the way they want them to.
The party of “States should be allowed to regulate this” until states aren’t doing it the way they want them to.
Tanner was one of the starts of Top Gear USA, right? I guess he could have been a Stig in an earlier iteration of the show?
I think another consideration is old people. I guess it’s just anecdotally, but it feels like every story I hear about someone’s grandma is “she crashed her Camry but refused to let us drive her, so she got a new Forester and promptly rear ended someone”. Old folks that want basic no-frills boxy cars love a Subaru.
“It isn’t worth anything because of it’s age and miles”
The left hand is probably quite busy, given how much flapping the right hand is doing. Deleting CDC data, suppressing news of the bird flu passing to humans, cutting the budget for NOAA and hiding climate change data, etc, etc, etc.
“this is a bad situation” and “NOT GOOD” are pretty on-brand. It could have been the intern tasked with making it sound like him, but it could have just been sent by him from the shitter.
I assumed it was a quote of something he said, but your way makes way more sense.
I was reading his statement and trying to imagine how he could have said “May god bless their souls” in a way that didn’t sound like he was reading those words for the first time in his life.
It looks (at least from the image up top) like there isn’t much buildable land nearby, just wetlands. But of course, being Florida, that won’t stop them from building there.
“fossil fuel dependance is a matter of national security!”
Weren’t you listening? Gas prices will go down because we’re going to drill for more oil. And I think Canada is going to pay for it, or something like that. Don’t get hung up to much on the details.
They’ve been posting quarter after quarter of record profits and the layoffs continue. As you said, they are bleeding the company of people across experience levels for the sake of stock buy-backs and short term profits. Next recession we’ll check back and see how fucked GM is with their outdated products and lagging…
I want to support them - they are an American company employing lots of Americans, they changed the automotive space with their approaches, and they offer a product that is (on paper) quite compelling. If they got rid of Elon when they should have (the second he bought twitter) they could have some real updates on…
I’m gonna go buy so many cheap eggs with the cheap gas we’re going to have. It’s gonna be so great.
Right - if it could have been done as cheaply here, it already would be. We aren’t building stuff in Mexico just because we feel like it - it’s an added level of complexity and coordination at every stage. And we’ll see what the “McDonald’s employees don’t deserve $15/hour” crowd has to say when the new assembly lines…
I was thinking about that when I was at the pump a couple days ago. Seems like I should get my hands on a few. Or Maybe a few hundred so I can add them to milk and eggs too.
The rebranding/renaming of the Infiniti lineup was the first in a chain of events that led to the demise of Infiniti as we knew it and thus brings us to where Nissan is today.
I really wanted one of these at the time. But in the last 10 years Nissan/Infiniti have become progressively less appealing. I’d be less scared of picking one of these up at that age/mileage than a 3-series, but the price still seems ~$3-4k too high.
Under the old Obama-era rebate system, GM and Tesla had both exceeded the unit cap. The IRA tax credits have no unit cap.
And when Florida is fully underwater, we can send everyone to Greenland. Like our own little Australia for meth heads.