
To represent Black Twitter, I’d like to add #BlackPantherSoLIT

I do! I do mean that.

And Marvel continues to go where DC fears to tread...

You’re ignoring the point. The design is crap. It doesn’t matter that they based it off of his recent look because what they came up with does not translate well to live action. And it does not matter if that’s a form he later evolves out of or not, because that doesn’t excuse that it’s still one that’s in the film,

You’re being a jackass. Just stop.

There’s a difference between always and almost always. Next time, use words correctly.

Okay. You understand what the word “always” means, right?

This looks AWFUL.

It doesn’t hurt that you can actually see it because Marvel doesn’t fear daylight or color.

This looks terrible!

Their first mission should be about going to space and removing whatever is apparently blocking the sun.

Oh come on. They have a click bait quota to meet.

Hey, io9...

So honest question: why do you care about posters?

I’m in love this this movie.


I know you have been using a lot of clickbait titles during the recent year. But I have to agree. That poster is perfectly capturing the Spidey I want in a movie.

How about watching the film first, or waiting for the reviews before declaring that as fact? If it sucks, it sucks. It doesn’t suck just because you believe it *should* suck a-priori.

Try starting out with a silicone one.