
I liked the show, but I agree the shitting on Danny is getting old. He’s supposed to be alternately naive/annoying.

Yeah it really hurts my enjoyment of reading stuff here because I know somehow someway they are going to find a way to bitch about Iron Fist.

Some people seem to have missed that subtext. I thought Danny was pretty realistically written considering his circumstances. Dude saw his parents die in front of him and was then beaten with sticks...while he was like 12 years old. He was raised in the lap of luxury and then forced into a cloister with a bunch of

at some point IO9 went from a site for nerds to nerd out over stuff to a site where hipster elitests hate on everything.

Man, the Danny Rand hate is getting old. Was it perfect? No. But Danny wasn’t really the problem. Iron Fist felt super rushed all over and except the Meachums and Gao, everyone was bad. Even Claire was bad. And Colleen Wing was hands down the worst character in the show.

To be fair to Danny, he wants to get in front and fight, but maybe, just maybe, jumping between two super-strong fist machines is a precarious thing you want to time just right.

I AM SO EXCITED!! Looks great, and it seems like there’s already solid chemistry amongst the team.

Well this might just be the most exciting cluster-fuck! I’m still excited!

Looks good. Maybe even great.

“Who are you?”

Hallway fight levels up! It’s glorious!

No too many colours. that must be before it hit the editing bay.

I feel like the action scenes will obviously be “kick-ass”, like any major genre flick with money behind it nowadays, but everything I’ve seen of the lead’s acting in this and previous trailers seems shockingly flat and empty. A little bit embarrassingly clunky, even.

I like the fact that they’re taking a lot of inspiration from the golden age of Wonder Woman. That’s about it. The acting is wooden and the action scenes just aren’t doing it for me. I’m hoping the movie will surprise me.

This is how you do black and white CG snyder!

I can’t stop watching this damn trailer.

This looks like it’s shaping up to be the next best thing since the Guardians of the Galaxy movie(s).

I mean, Thor has always been 80s campiness in the comics. So I fully endorse this development.

I’m sure there’s some Guardians influence, but I will go on any ride Taika Waititi wants to take me on. Looks great.