hothmonster’re focusing your attention on his movements as he waits for the right timing, and NOT on his actual wall launch-turned-punch move? That Jones managed to pull all by himself? Ok.

We get it: Danny sucks. Had the show not been such a rush job, we probably could’ve gotten a better Danny, and Finn Jones would’ve been more ready instead of working with what amounted to a month of training and getting into shape. A month. Wanna try that and see how you fare? But between this post and the last,

Iron Fist...this takes place right after those events. Just...power through it. Seriously, it’s not bad!

Personally, I think they’re waiting for S2 to give him the costume. He won’t get one here, but....good news: he’ll become THE Iron Fist (rather than having the Iron Fist) by the end of this, or at least really close to it.

I actually think Danny will be the catalyst to kick things off for the Defenders to meet/team up. Since he’s head of Rand, and knowing that the Hand has its reach there, he’ll probably discover they’ve also got their fingers in Roxxon and Midland Circle by way of trying to find out what happened to K’un-Lun (the

Erm, you know the film studio didn’t actually have her perform difficult stunts, right? I mean, maybe a few kicks and jumps here and there, but c’ WB would ever put themselves at risk to be sued if Gadot injured herself or, worse, suffered a miscarriage. This is just to drum up PR for the film/Gadot.

Netflix!Danny + Colleen Wing.........forever! Sorry, they’re just too cute together. :)

Apparently, it’s false, according to Forbes:

Don’t you mean...genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist...

There was more Tony than I expected, but I guess it makes sense? Peter’s so young here, and it’s more believable to me that he would need and want guidance, especially with the endearingly eager personality they established in Civil War. I’m also thinking they added more Tony than the amount he’s actually in the movie

This looks terrible. It reminds me of Transformers in every way possible where I can’t discern anything if they’re not standing still. Devoid of light (actually daylight), devoid of any actually funny humor, devoid of me caring. And the “epicness” of every shot tells me it’s a mask for what’s probably going to be a

Um, your intent was to essentially slag the film. Using semantics to backpeddle here doesn’t exactly tie in with the intention of your original comment. You haven’t seen the film so how can you tell this is a bastardization of the original?

I honestly think it’s mostly because Jones didn’t have much to work with, tbh. Blame the production. And as far as his skills, he is an actor, after all. He’s not a martial artist, so I can’t grade him on the same scale as someone who actually has a background in martial arts. And for reference, I thought he looked

Yeah, agree. I really liked Episode 6 (directed by RZA - go figure) because that was the weirdest. Now I just think, if the show had gone “weirder”, delved more into the mystical and experimental, it could’ve been the most interesting out of the four because the source material is less “grounded” by nature. Oh well,

I interpreted most of his odd behavior to the fact that he’s been essentially raised in an isolated environment, so his social cues and understanding is off. Could they have characterized that better throughout a few episodes? Definitely, but I pretty much got that his emotional maturity’s in arrested development, as

“...explains how much more he knows about kung fu than Colleen, a character with Asian heritage played by an actress with Asian heritage, in the middle of her own fucking martial arts dojo.”

Brody’s reviews are all like that: pretentious and bitchy.

No, we’ve never seen William/Logan and Maeve in the same scenes. They interacted with Clementine. And we know that Maeve has only been playing the Madame role for about a year - that lines up with the idea that MiB interacted with her “recently” while she was in her homestead narrative while still an older man.

Nice observations - I think the seeds you’re seeing, to me, are William coming to a slow (very slow) realization (or maybe seeds he’s ignoring) that Dolores is NOT sentient. At all. I think he was under the belief that she was “awakening”, but she’s not. She’s following her programming like any host would do in that

The implication is that none of the hosts are reliable narrators. Remember Ford mentioned to Teddy that his new narrative is “rooted in truth” - that means it’s not the exact true retelling of what happened. Dolores’ flashback of her possibly killing everyone in that town (unlike Teddy’s memory of them being soldiers)