
An excellent example of this si when he hits that kid in Colleen’s dojo. I think he was first drawn to her because he related to a dojo and the martial arts more than he did anything else in the city. It was his element. Hitting that kid was everything he was taught about how to toughen teenagers up, to make them

It is a show about a kung fu master and the actor playing him can’t do kung fu nor can the director or editors SHOOT kung fu.

Yet, when compared to the other Netflix shows, to me at least, the drop off in quality is not that severe.

I understand the main issues people have with this show, which are real problems the show has, but I don’t think that prevents it from being entertaining. I think this show is very similar to Luke Cage in which all of the supporting actors are more interesting than the main character. Granted that is because the main

No spoilers don’t worry -

I’m ten episodes in and still right there with you.

I actually think, or choose to believe, that it was purposeful. Danny was a guy raised in a mystical monastery for 15 years. he has all the street smarts of a chipmunk and as much skill at dealing with people as the chipmunk would have. Pretty to look at but no matter how you treat it, it will always give you blank

I’m only five episodes in, but it isn’t the dumpster fire everyone is making the show out to be. It doesn’t by any means compare to Daredevil, Jessica Jones, or Luke Cage, but it also bad like season 1 of Agents of Shield was.

Or you know, they could have been playing with the whole PTSD element of watching your parents die and being raised in a magic land that’s nothing like the world you’re used to. That’s what I took out of it, what with the constant flip outs and rainbow camera shake moments.

I don’t think it was bad and I may be a minority in this opinion . It just wasn’t as good as other MCU shows on Netflix. Part of that is the result of the show not being as socially relevant as the other shows have been. Another part is that it’s difficult to get over Finn Jones pre show response to critics.

The io9 writing staff’s hate for this show is becoming comical.

The worst part is the fights. They just needed some more polish and fluency. There was a lot of good, crazy comic book stuff in there.

I agree though I did enjoy Luke Cage as well. I haven’t decided yet how this show compares to LC.

Seriously. They keep pushing this narrative that it’s the worst thing ever, and I just don’t see it.

It’s a bad show for this universe but not a bad show all around. I think the supporting cast is great. Starting with Rosario. There are glimpses of a good show but Danny is really unlikeable. I think that the iron fist should have been introduced in the defenders and then had his own show. Or they could have cut the

With all it’s flaws I enjoyed it.

I’m about half way through and it’s not nearly as bad as you guys make it out to be. So far I’m enjoying it more than Luke Cage... which, outside of a couple of scenes, bored me greatly. Iron Fist isn’t as action packed as Daredevil, but I’ve enjoyed it so far.

I 100% do not understand the Iron Fist hate in the media. I’m 4 episodes in and am loving it so far.

But... you still should its actually pretty good.

Okay, let’s get into it…