
When you consider it took Marvel 4 years to carefully build up the foundation with only four movies to kick off their big gamble (Avengers) and here’s WB trying to churn out Justice League with barely a road map.... It’s not a surprise.

I want to give WB a break, I really do, but when you see Marvel have such a clear vision and plan and have executed it exceedingly well for a decade now (whether you like each of the individual end products or not) and then hear this...

I don’t know that Marvel having to work around contract issues means that Marvel believes Portman and Paltrow are disposable. For one, Paltrow’s contract was up after Iron Man 3, and her scenes in Avengers were always just a cameo. To me, putting her into Age of Ultron/Civil War/Spider-Man for the sake of her being

Maybe a cameo? She hasn’t been officially announced as part of the cast, but tweeted that last year, to someone reacting to the “no Sif” situation from the cast announcement:

Did they? or did she get to star in her own primetime show that is doing, iirc, fairly well and getting a 3rd season? Isn’t that on the actress, kind of like the other two actresses, Paltrow and Portman, leaving for their own reasons?

Dumping of two of its heroes’ major love interests in this way indicates that Marvel considers many of its female leads rather disposable, which isn’t great.

Then the problem is that he considered better than character depicted as better fighters than him, not that he is considered better than Asian people.

I mean, that is the character.

It’s not the only time the show goes out of the way at how much better at martial arts Danny purportedly is than the many Asian people he is surrounded by, and if it weren’t so mind-bogglingly offensive it’d almost be hilarious. 

Multiple timelines is definitely confirmed.

It’s a lot.

Maeve upped her intelligence and ambition too much. She wanted freedom so badly she forgot/avoided care and careful planning. Maybe as a blind spot from her programming or maybe just regular “human error/hubris” but I just wanted to yell “slow down!! You have to do more recon before you try your plan!”

The big reveal will be that Wyatt is actually Dolores, confirming the two timeline theory (actually we are probably now at 3 timelines). PREPARE YOURSELVES. This means that no matter what Teddy does, he’s always the loser.

There’s three “timelines” - the original park (35 years ago), William/Dolores (30 years ago), MIB/Ford/Teddy (now-ish).

Show of hands: who thinks picking Abernathy to smuggle 30 years of data out of the park is going to backfire?

I’m sorry. You’re wrong.

it seems more like we’re supposed to be interested in the ramifications of their hook-up, but not them themselves.

And, with Teddy becoming a real boy soon

I’m starting to hope she kills William as a necessary step in her ascension to robot-warrior-princess badassery. Mostly because William is the fucking worst.

So I LOVED Dolores’ “I’m not a key, I’m me” response to William last night. And it got me thinking: William is trying to make Dolores his Manic Pixie Dream Girl. He fits the stereotype of every guy ever in all those movies: sad and lost in life until the happy, dreamy, spunky girl comes along to give his life joy and