
Best fans in Missouri.

It's only racist if we don't call Jarome Iginla Vanilla Extract

I hate to be a pedant, however, I must point out that it's not real chocolate. It is composed primarily of cocoa butter, sugar, milk and vanilla flavoring. But enough about Eddy Curry...

Best Klans In Baseball

People knew it was Winston when they noticed that nearby FSU campus police were looking the other way.

Please STFU. Every once in a while, a spanking is necessary. I've been lucky; my daughter is three and some change and I've never had to hit her until once, a few weeks ago. Sometimes, corporal punishment is needed and can be effective as long as you follow three rules:

Which are we going to see more of in the comments today:

Kristin: Hi hun, how'd the game go tonight?

Did not mean for it to sound that way, typing never a strong skill set for me. However, with the amount of integration they have with Siebel Institute, I don't personally see anything changing soon. As to the second part correct, we cant say for sure. I can say having played around in the brewing industry on small and

Apparently you don't know how the purchase of Goose Island worked out... They did not sell out, They were told to make sure they made a bunch of Sofia, Matilda, Honkers, and 312 and they would be provided with all the ingredients and new brewing equipment. As long as they do that they are free to do what ever they

Goose Island makes quality beers. But if I have a choice between a Goose Island and a beer not owned by a multi-national company that consistently attacks small breweries by tying them up in lawsuits, while eating up valuable shelf space and leading millions of people to feel that American beer is like the old sex in

Announcer: Well that was a nice thing of Chris Rock to do, giving the ball to a little kid. That's something black people do, whereas ni- (cut mic, cue commercial break)

He figured he might as well give the ball up before Dane Cook stole that from him too.

What do we pour on people for concussion awareness?


Great review, but I'm confused as to why you'd use a stock image of the Ferguson Police Department for it.

Nice catch and throw, but my God has Johnny Damon aged quickly.

Nonsense. "Crank" and "Crank 2" are masterpieces, and I say it completely unironically.

I politely disagree - I thought "The Bank Job" was actually a good movie of his and he showed some more dramatic range than in his other roles