Horseasaurus Rex Cleared Cache n Cookies

Honestly, the team at Anheuser-Busch probably had zero idea that this was going on or that anyone was uncomfortable. Obviously someone on the client side was reviewing the auditions of the final selects prior to confirming talent. However, they hire a production company who hires the director and casting directors,

Confidence is telling the casting director No when they ask you to wiggle around when it has no connection to the actual role.

The MOST confident move was to stand there with RBF instead of kowtowing to that director’s whims.

“[E]ach actor was asked to dance at the beginning of their audition as this was a way to show one’s level of confidence.”

have you SEEN Jesus’ abs?

“She’d be fine if all the children in the county died of measles?”

Once I have health insurance again I’ll look into it!

I have a 2.5 year old and a 4 week old. I won’t allow my toddler to play with any unvaccinated kids (which won’t be so easy once she starts school) and because the baby is too young to be vaccinated, we made it clear no one can visit unless they’re up to date on all vaccinations, including the flu shot. That pissed

The internet also gives you a wealth of peer-reviewed, evidence-based information, and thank goodness for that because thanks to the internet I figured out that 1) there was another migraine medication that might work for me because it had a longer half-life than the one I was originally prescribed 2) there’s an

It’s never lupus.

I use peppermint essential oil on my neck and temples when I have a migraine because it’s soothing (in addition to drugs). Accidentally getting it even close to my eye is awful, I can’t imagine the pain of putting it directly in!

So the woman isn’t in a coma - she is apparently severely disabled and there’s no way she’d ever be able to consent. CNN did a better job of explaining her situation:

“Earlier stories had described the patient as being comatose or in a vegetative state. But her parents released a statement Tuesday disputing that characterization.

Thank you to Dr. Shah for writing this article and doing really hard and truly necessary work. 

that was 100% the first thing i thought of too.

OMG! This is very similar to one of Jezebels recent annual Scary Stories Contest. I can’t remember if it was this year or within the last couple. Still freaks the living daylights outta me!

Yep; I don’t really want to hear the 12-year-old bleating about abortion and Mexicans whatnot for 45 minutes.  Honestly I don’t even want to see all the articles talking about “Tonight, Donald Trump truly became President,” but we all know that’s what’s about to flood our newsfeeds.

i will not be at the sotu or your liveblog, but whatever deities you may or may not believe in bless you for enduring it

Seriously, though: I love Rothy’s. They are just flats, you have to look closely to really identify them as a given brand (I guess if you get the ones with the stripe on the back it becomes easier). But GOD DAMN are they durable and comfortable. I have never worn my leopard print Rothy’s without getting compliments

that’s so disappointing to hear he was underwhelming on tv today; i heard him on the radio last year (ON BEING) and was really impressed. That said, i am already perfectly happy with both Warren & Harris as candidates, and like plenty of other undeclared folks too.