Horseasaurus Rex Cleared Cache n Cookies

Yes, that was exactly how I read it too. The ‘traditional values’ thing is always a bit gross, with highly sexist connotations.

The Barbara Bush story reminds me of a story about my mom.

Inco-fucking-rrect, Megan.


A deferred deal generally means the person must not commit any other crimes for a period of time before the charge is expunged. His lawyer is spinning this as an exoneration, which it is not.

I felt horrible, but the entire time I was like “Please cut those split ends!!”

I listened to all of The Dropout and just finished the documentary. I preferred the podcast. Every time she was on screen in the doc, I had to look away. She’s fucking creepy. She would probably stab someone with that blank look her face and then lie about how they ran into the knife. All with that fake, deadpan bro

How very George Clooney of him, but at least Booker wasn't a total insecure skeaze.

Today, Leo Varadkar, Taoiseach of the Republic of Ireland, and his partner Matt Barrett went to a breakfast meeting with Mike Pence. The PM then said:

In my case it was free but that’s only THANKS OBAMA because I work at a Catholic Institution and they pride themselves on not covering anything birth control related with their insurance. 

But do NOT, under any circumstances, cancel your membership in America’s premier luxury resort destination, Mar-a-Lago. Dumpster dive if you must, but make sure your dues are paid in full, preferably in cash. Rubles accepted, and at an exceptionally favorable exchange rate. 


If they wanna embrace this language, then I guess we’ll have to start referring to newborns as nine-month-olds.

This is the part where they lose me completely. I kind of understand where they’re going with the later term abortions— I don’t agree, but I see what they’re saying, and I definitely see how they’ve succeeded with those arguments. But six weeks??!!??? You miscarry at six weeks and you probably don’t even know you’re

6 week old embryo =/= 6 week old baby, ya douche.

Pregnancy is a potential consequence of sex. If a man isn’t prepared to accept that his sexual partner may choose an abortion, he shouldn’t have sex.

Regarding wax; As a child I used to get those little wax bottles filled with a sugar water solution. I’m sure most of you know what I’m talking about. In addition to drinking the water I used to eat the wax bottles. I never knew that the bottles weren’t intended to be part of the treat. 

The super-deluxe 84-piece set of crayons was not reported because its value falls below the required limit for disclosure.

And she was the most qualified candidate ever to run for president  (from either party). We didn’t deserve her. 

That sounds fine and all but at the same time we would be wasting too much water for that. The recycler needs to do all that with their own water reclamation system. Either way resources will be used but saving potable water has to be our #1 priority always.