Horseasaurus Rex Cleared Cache n Cookies

I went to a private school with no uniform but a strict dress code and I recall observing the Catholic school girls wearing giant baggy sweat pants under their skirts in winter and just being so damn puzzled.  HOW is that better than just letting them wear a pair of damn khakis?? It seemed so extremely strange.  At my

that’s fair, I shouldn’t have said “no long term consequences...” but rather extremely unlikely to have long term consequences.  My main point is that the policy of generally not testing for it is well founded.

okay but. up to 95% of the population already has it, most of whom don’t even know that they do because they are asymptomatic, it is EXTREMELY rare for those complications to arise, and diagnosis can cause outsize anxiety, shame, and depression.

so sorry for your loss; I dearly loved reading this story.

I was referring to dance belts when I mentioned “undergarments.” I’ve never known a ballerino to dance without one, he’d be flopping all over the place.

it can be transmitted even with proper condom use...

Herpes really isn’t a big deal. Half the population has it and it has no long term consequences (unlike HPV which is also pretty wide spread). Cold sores etc are treatable and a fairly minor inconvenience. Many people who are positive for herpes never have symptoms. With the exception of the shame/anxiety/depression

this is probably super difficult to study. However, I think this was one of the major changes that happened during the sexual revolution in the 60s... the idea that you could just bone down whenever with whomever. (In reality it was more about dudes feeling the freedom to have sex whenever they felt like it, the

She’s clearly never been to the ballet. The male dancers (or ballerinos as I like to call them) are essentially naked, wearing only undergarments and opaque tights up to the waist. You can see EV. ER. Y. TH. IN.G. It’s awesome.

I *think* the hair is between the turtleneck and the blazer. but still.

I’ve heard that castile soap is the best for all-purpose odor removal but haven’t put it to the test.

while not at all relevant (i don’t think) to her absurd, psychopathic lying, I also found it very uncomfortable to look at her when she was on screen.  While her huge eyes are unnerving, she can do nothing about that, but her hair and makeup were just tragic in every. single. shot.  It made me cringe.  Girl, quit it

it’s really unfortunate too, given there’s already an openly gay declared candidate for 2020...

seriously.  My FIL is 70 and we biked 500 miles across Iowa to celebrate his b-day.  Still a practicing litigator.  60 is NOT old.

I had a heated mattress pad but I burned it out I used it so much.  Now i have a feather bed which isn’t super compatible and I’d rather the cushiness.  Also now I have central heat ;)

I’m a soon-to-be parent, so grain of salt alert, but it seems to me that the “right” parenting move often feels “wrong” in the moment.  Basically, the selfish move that feels good in the moment is actually the wrong call in the long run.  

my FIL won’t shut up about learning how to fall.  He learned in Basic a million years ago and it’s one of his old-man obsessions.

I got a Le Creuset enameled (ahem) *French* Oven as a wedding gift and i use that damn thing weekly AT LEAST.  I love it and hardly know how I lived without it.  Had I not gotten the fancy one as a gift, I was eyeing the Lodge version which looks A-OK.

OOOOOH my favorite sunglasses are from the REI checkout.  Reasonably fashionable, polarized, and (importantly) light as a feather.  I hadn’t realized how my (comparatively) heavy Ray Bans were triggering migraines.  Now I can’t live without these sunnies.

We used to have a Roomba and it was super awesome, until we moved to a victorian era apartment... many small rooms and long hallways don’t work very well for a Roomba.  Now I have a Dyson stick vacuum and I f’in love that thing.  Super excellent purchase.