Horseasaurus Rex Cleared Cache n Cookies

i bought a giant canvas grocery tote at a now defunct co-op store in my college area.  They charged me $5. At whole foods it’d’ve been $25+.  I still use it.  I repaired the straps recently b/c they were a little worse for wear.  That thing is still going strong, some 14 years later.

not a *purchase* per se since that shit was (marginally) free, but agree.

this is so absurdly stupid.  Referring to a “baby” who is 6 weeks old, is a well-defined situation, that’s an infant who was given birth to 6 weeks prior.  This seems legally fraught.  They can’t just redefine how these things work.

at 6 weeks, it’s conceivable that the woman wouldn’t even know she’s pregnant yet, have a miscarriage, and think her period is late and heavy, ffs.

i didn’t eat the bottles but I would chew the f*ck out of them.

like many things, I’m not convinced 45 knows what anti-semitism means.

I’m sure this is a large part of it.  Much like how (in general) network TV is just not as good as prestige, i.e. HBO which has no advertisers and is only beholden to what their customers enjoy.  Prestige TV is focused much more long-term and the quality differential is evident.

I could google, but who has the energy.  Is he a Bastianich as in Lidia Bastianich?

maybe she does cook but 45 won’t eat anything not prepared by YUM foods.

the spirit of the policy is that it would be too distracting to have to deal with criminal proceedings whilst a sitting president.  I would imagine that it would extend to state crimes as well.

I wonder if the gene variant is something that 23&Me tracks?  I’m a bone marrow donor, so I’m vaguely curious.

out of nothing more than curiosity, is this “ack” as in the Cathy comics, or as in “acknowledged”?

gotcha, wasn’t trying to be shitty. Sometimes vendor relationships are purposely kept pretty quiet.

100% fair with respect to Theresa May. I know nothing about her other than the shit show that is Brexit.

indeed, people with extremely high grades in school tend not to be our best leaders (intellectually, and otherwise) because they can’t think outside the box. Valedictorians rarely go on to prominence in their careers/field of choice.  I believe there is actual research to support.

the difference being that Barry O didn’t have a rich/prominent family to bolster his application. I feel pretty confident that he got in on merit.

UGH that is just unacceptable in this day and age.  It’s not like women aren’t heads of state elsewhere.  I mean, we’re in the stone age compared to every other country for the most part.  Does she think that Theresa May and Angela Merkel don’t count, for example?  Jesus.  (Theresa May obviously isn’t doing a bang up

Interestingly, here in CA, our recycling vendor accepts plastic bags now.  Which is nice because traditional plastic grocery bags are banned, so therefore grocery stores do not have bins.  Plastic bags have to be “reuseable” here which means they’re way thicker plastic... :\

are you sure about that? It may seem that way and still be a service provided by a contracted vendor.

the difference is that the resulting “raw” material after the recyclables are processed needs to go somewhere.  I.e. to companies who need the materials to manufacture their products.  So if municipalities operate recycling as a service, they would then sell the materials to private companies.  The current model just