Horseasaurus Rex Cleared Cache n Cookies

For the primary? Sure. But if 2020 rolls around and it is White Guy Dem vs Trump? It’ll be the D for me.

Lordy, that baby has a big head. No wonder she needed a C-section! Wishing health and happiness to Ms. Siddiq and her family.

Y’all, women who kill their abusers are heroes. They’re killing terrorists and human rights abusers, they should be celebrated.

Oh my god. This immediately brought to mind the scene in Kill Bill where the hospital attendant had been assaulting her while she was in her coma and just jesus fucking christ. This poor woman.

Since we’re being pedantic:

Since this is a post about books and reading, I will go ahead and be a grammar pedant. It is “affect”.

how fucking bad liberals are at politics

Oh my god. The person who rips my book would have his balls fed to him through his nostrils. BOOKS ARE FRIENDS. RESPECT BOOKS, DAMMIT. Even my six and three year olds learned this lesson early.

Ah ha. You speak Word Salad. That is becoming a very valuable skill in this day and age.

This is so infuriating. I’m glad she’s getting help to fund some of these necessities for safety and livelihood, but it really pisses me off that any of it is necessary.

It’s safe to say JKR’s a bit of a mixed bag, persona- and public-statement-wise. But surely she is allowed to impose consequences on someone who stole from her, and I don’t think “she has so much money, who cares about a measly five figures and a few cats” is a valid argument. IF it happened, it’s a violation of

Also, if Kavanaugh seems like a good man to you, what the fuck were you watching last Thursday afternoon? Honestly, the fact that people continue to claim that he came off well in that makes me question my own sanity. 

“I was Ms. Swetnick’s garbage collector for three days in the summer of 1997 and she never mentioned being raped or Brett Kavanaugh to me!”

What on earth is wrong with a sex tape? It just feels like slut shaming to keep bringing this up.

Wasn’t aware Alton Brown was ever on the menu (so to speak), but he looks genuinely happy with his new bride. Mazel Tov to him and her, and may their wedding gifts include no unitaskers*.

Fucking fuckface fucker

Crimes of sexual violence are the only crimes where the accuser is guilty of perjury until proven innocent.

HOly fuck, I’m so sorry. I just wrote a long screed on my blog that no one knows about that every time they do this we all have to relive it. I gently hug you through the internet.

Hopefully with adorable safety glasses and earmuffs.

The proper name for this item is “leotard.”