Horseasaurus Rex Cleared Cache n Cookies

I don’t get this article.  Is it supposed to be a reference to something?  Because Fern is clearly talking about the designers she doesn’t know and NOT models.

Based on these quotes, it is pretty clear she’s talking about designers and not models. The names on the calendars would be designers’ names.  

She’s not talking about the models she's talking about the designers.  Models aren't credited in invitations and aren't the ones who would be sending them.

Later, the GOP tweeted out a sketch of Ted Cruz when he was a hottie.

Yeah, they’re not that pricey. They have a couple different kinds and one is for “for the nearsighted person that takes off their glasses to read.” And I’m like yes! That’s me. Though, ultimately, I’d like to do contacts for running as well. I don’t wear my glasses running except sometimes when it’s dark. Goodr and

Kessler then goes on a rant about how his family has been brainwashed by the History Channel’s anti-German, pro-Jewish propaganda. He’s likely referring to the network’s old reputation of constantly airing World War II documentaries

Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ. This is heartbreaking. I don’t know if I’d be able to send my kid back to that school knowing this.

Institutions that should be razed:

I’m okay if celebrities use social media to challenge Ivanka on her efforts to position herself as The Gentler Side of Trump, aka The Trump Whisperer. Because that’s a lie just as much as anything that comes out of Orange Juliuss piehole and it’s good it’s not going unnoticed or unchallenged. Good for Amy.

Women be crazy, right? Men are never the crazy ones. They may be mentally and physically abusive, but we don’t call ‘em crazy.

Rick Perry: I’m the worst governor in Texas history.

Greg Abbot, you gotta stick with the classics

For the record, I still sincerely enjoy The Wedding Singer and Big Daddy.

That’s good to know. I wasn’t seeing more than 3 movies a month, so this doesn’t bother me, but having popular movies and times greyed out or surge made it useless. 

IT’S NOT BLACKFACE. Blackface is something used to mock. This kid will never be seen on the screen. This is a perfectly normal case where the stand-in needed make-up to match the actor’s skin tone. Look people, proper stage lighting is different for light and dark skin. That’s not racism, that’s just physics. And

You have no idea how film production works if you think Rogen had anything to do with this, or even knew about it.

I think it’s important to show what is and isn’t real, but not in an “omg she’s a total uggo” way, but more in a “let’s celebrate actual bodies, people and achievements ” way. Otherwise as you say, it’s just destructive.

What she meant to say was that her kid is not not autistic, but many other kids are. We don’t know.

Probably just the ghost of an unvaccinated child.