Horseasaurus Rex Cleared Cache n Cookies

not to mention from an adoption point of view, centralizing the cleaning operation will get you to 100%.  Customer outreach/education will never, ever get to 100%.

besides the fact that his comment implies that he can instruct FEMA to do a shit job somewhere else.  The quality of response from a disaster response agency should be uniform no matter where they are needed.

women have been complicit in our own oppression for decades (centuries) because we can’t form an actual community of our own.  Sadly most of us want to shack up with dudes which keeps us well and truly divided.

JESUS tap-dancing christ I don’t think I could have handled that.  Maximally charitable take: maybe she was employing some kind of insane coping mechanism? But sheesh that is cracked up.

fucking same.  I could not stop randomly crying for days and days after the election.  I cried bitter tears election night.  I cannot handle criticism of her right now.  Obviously she could have done certain things better because she’s human and not perfect.  What do we gain from nitpicking on them ad infinitum when

my immune system has been a right nightmare since i conceived.  It was mostly garbage beforehand, but since i became pregnant i’ve had back to back tonsillitis and a truly horrendous head cold.  I did have the flu shot this year (back in Sept the day I got my IUD removed, lol) but I’m terrified, still.

I can’t even imagine. The only skin “condition” i have is that I am blindingly pale, but that still invites multiple comments per summer from strangers about how I really “ought to wear sunscreen... b/c you’re so very fair!”

My best friend is T1 and the “dresses w/ pockets” trend in the mid aughts was huge for her.  Now we’re both pregnant and she’s screwed basically.  VERRRRY few maternity pants have real pockets, forget skirts/dress/leggings, etc.  She’ll have a good long while of stuffing her pump in her bra...

I don’t quite see how that would even work? I guess it might give your cheeks a sucked in quality.  Yikes.

it turns out it was my phone’s fault... somehow a voicemail from Wednesday materialized without me having missed a call.  Anywho, I got low risk across the board, so I’m relieved.  I’m 33 which feels ancient at times to be a first timer...

WHY is there so much revulsion about this? You’re (the royal you, as in lots of people out there) fine with drinking a cow’s breast milk, but not another human’s? That is 10000% social construct. Breast milk is the only milk that is truly meant for human consumption. Why is it good for baby but gross for everyone

I can’t believe people would question the testing itself... it’s standard of care for OB/GYN and midwifery practices.  

thank you.  I’m not super worried, but you know.  Pregnancy makes worriers of us all.

eventually Republicans turned on Nixon, but I’m not sure the same will be true of Trump.  He has folks in his thrall somehow.  Nixon was never any flavor of charismatic enough for that.

I’m 13 weeks, the genetic counselor was supposed to call me with my risk profile after my first genetic screening on Tuesday...

I’m confused, too, were these men black? I thought the initial report was that it was MAGA hat wearers, which implies (strongly) white assailants. But these men were Nigerian, yeah?

just goes to show you how fucking stupid she is or how stupid she thinks other people are.  Huskies are like 50-60 lbs on average, wolves are so much bigger than that.  Like way way bigger.  They can be up to 120-180 lbs.  Anyone who’s seen a wolf-dog (one parent is a wolf) knows that those dogs don’t look REAL

It just sucks that Emma Thompson has to penalize herself for a shitty hiring move made by Skydance.  And if she hadn’t, she’d be the bad guy?

with dijon mustard, no doubt.

I assume the “out of wine glasses” crack was meant to indicate how elitist she is.  Like, underage drinking, sure, but look who’s *putting on airs*.