Horseasaurus Rex Cleared Cache n Cookies

same same.  I’m 33 and I had a snickers bar for the first time in probably 27 years last halloween.  I had always just “known” that I “didn’t like” snickers bars.  But fuck me if that wasn’t delicious.

I didn’t learn until like decades later than she did it because she was routinely abused.  All I knew at the time was the “crazy bitch” narrative that she randomly cut of her husband’s penis.  Goes to show what the media cared about.

confirmation bias.  We only hear about it when law enforcement gets it wrong.  If they take action on red flags, the ultimate crime doesn’t happen.  In any system there will be false negatives.  It is literally unavoidable.  Regrettable, but unavoidable.  This is one.

the way law enforcement treats those we dub “Arab” should not be the example on which all else is modelled.

because the vast majority of men who exhibit these behaviors never murder anyone. Not saying the FBI is correctly calibrated here, I’m just pointing out that the sheer number of misogynists in this country is staggeringly high, but still (relatively) few of them commit mass murder.  The bigger concern is

anyone else reminded of Dallas Buyers Club? I hope all ends well for her and they make an Oscar darling of a movie about her story.

Sorry, James, that’s factually incorrect. From the OED:

oh christ, here we go...

yeah, my forehead is as smooth as glass. Pros and Cons.

My feeling is that anti-vaxx is a special case of the Dunning-Krueger effect.  Anti-vaxxers tend to be middle class or wealthier and have college degrees.  The know a little bit so they think they know everything.  But they are wrong about the part they think they know.  And cannot be corrected b/c the think they know

like everything else in the world, nothing is 100% bad or 100% good.

you should probably look into getting the Chicken pox vaccine now.  I’m pretty sure adults can get the vaccine too, and while chicken pox is relatively mild in children, it can be life-threatening in adulthood.

I mean... peppermint oil probably does have an anti-microbial effect.  But so do a lot of things, like soap and water, that you shouldn’t put INTO your eyeball.  I got a giant squirt in the eye the other day with a lime wedge that squeezed akimbo and I was SURE i had a chemical burn on my cornea.  But lime juice is

OMG SAME. Now b/c Botox has left me with only headaches in my eyebrow/eye area: peppermint oil no longer helps. I can’t put it within a couple of inches of my eyes unless I want to be crying involuntarily all damn day.

My best friend is T1 diabetic.  Until *shockingly* recently, that diagnosis was essentially a death sentence.  Another friend of mine has pernicious anemia.  Another condition that was a death sentence not all that long ago.  Now these ladies are living pretty much entirely normal lives with normal life expectancies. 

I’m pretty sure that the chance of contracting measles once exposed is damn near 100%.  It won’t take much for it to spread outside the community.  And FURTHERMORE what difference does it make if it’s localized?  She’d be fine if all the children in the county died of measles?

Hae was his ex-girlfriend at the time of the murder, and I had thought that Rabia was his cousin?

I don’t know why the continuing coverage here hasn’t incorporated the additional detail about this woman’s condition. The family was super clear, she isn’t vegetative.  Not that it changes how horrific this situation is, but it is relevant.

point of clarity: the article said he admitted to “talking” to her.  Not to taking her.

apologies if I participated in a pile-on!