Horseasaurus Rex Cleared Cache n Cookies

like the tagline of my fave podcast (Sword & Scale): “the worst monsters are real.”

I get that your question is a hypothetical wondering what would happen to someone who did something similar but was acting in good faith.  I think the thing here is that an individual looking to help this girl genuinely would never ask for video evidence.  It wouldn’t be necessary.  They would simply counsel the girl

it’s pretty likely that they didn’t have a warrant yet or had no reason at the time to think she would be at his house.  Without more information there’s no reason to condemn the police for their actions.

heyo just finished my 3rd Whole30! and I agree on that, hunger doesn’t seem as bad while Whole30-ing...

Hubs and I have been doing a version of “intermittent fasting” for a few years, we skip dinner twice a week.  The first few times are hard, for sure, but you kind of re-pave those pathways and it gets way easier.  Now hunger doesn’t seem as disastrous as it used it.  And the mornings after we skip dinner I’m usually

My FIL always gives me shit about skipping breakfast, but I’m just... not.. .hungry in the morning! Although I’m expecting a mini-horseasaur and that appears to be changing... I had to inhale a handful of blueberries this morning in order to remain alive.  So we shall see.  

not untrue, although let us not forget that the election was tampered with last time.  Take the Russians out of the equation and she very well may have been elected.  Her comparative lack in inspiration didn’t stop her from winning the popular vote, after all.

I follow many animal friends on Insta besides dogs! Cats (obvs), a squirrel, fox, raccoon, hedgehog, maybe more.  

I have the camo loafers and love them, however, they are expensive for what they are.  That’s my only gripe.  But I can spot Rothy’s at 100 paces.  They’re distinctive.

also though, Warby Parker is a drop in the ocean, market share wise, for eyewear.  They may dominate in direct to consumer awareness, but they are far from dominating their sector.

I think the official legal stance on underage prostitution is that the under age individual is trafficked by default.  The fact that these girls were legally incapable of consent is the only relevant factor here.  This judge is a piece of shit.

... I have an MBA ...

I think this is at least partially the case. Hence why doctors also over-prescribe antibiotics for (often) viral infections: they know the parent/patient wants them to do *something* and if they don’t, they’ll take their “business” elsewhere.

I feel... like that... should be a crime? Like wasn’t he engaging her in sex under false pretenses? Tricking someone into getting pregnant feels like it should be prosecutable as sexual assault or something.

seriously! Lower stakes example: I cook all our food because I enjoy cooking and (dare I say) I am great at it.  But husband is actually quite a good cook, so if I’m sick he takes over and generally produces an excellent product.  Just because she’s a “better” parent (which honestly, like wtf, she didn’t give birth

If she were truly in a persistent vegetative state from early childhood, some would question the morality of keeping her alive in that condition.  That’s my take.  

my thoughts exactly.

I love this! But one minor point: praying mantis’ only bit their mates’ heads off when mating in captivity.  This behavior is not seen in the wild.

people need to be able to apologize and find redemption.  There’s a lot of glass houses it would seem, here.

that’s not entirely true.  If a woman doesn’t gain enough weight during pregnancy, her likelihood of giving birth to a low-birth-weight baby is much much higher.  In fact in some ways, the body protects itself over the fetus.