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“normal” weight gain during pregnancy is 25-35 lbs.

this teacher sounds eerily similar to my extended-day kindergarten teacher.  I remember him throwing me (more or less) across the room once.

this is classic men display abusive behavior to express affection.  This is pig-tail pulling, but involving destruction of property, and between fully-grown adults.  AKA the biggest red-flag.

Christians love to throw shit like this around to all other religions, see also claims that Isis “isn’t really about Islam” because not all of the foot soldiers have every word of the Quran and all associated texts memorized.

All I can think when shit like this happens (sometimes it’s appropriate, but mostly it’s kinda not...) is : Glass houses.

exactly. At least my husband either has a very high tolerance for the “nag” or he just knows enough not to EVER use that word, or complain about it.


my husband--somehow--cannot clean wine glasses.  Every time I see a wine glass on the drying pad that I personally did not wash, I inspect, and inevitably, it is still covered in finger prints and lip marks.  So he’s in charge of dishes, but all the wine glasses gotta get washed twice...


in fairness to my hub, the regular stuff (chores if you will) are pretty equally distributed.  We have a pretty clear division of labor that works well.  But (similar to your stair vacuuming example) if we’re cleaning the house for company, he’ll constantly check in for direction.  At this point I have a refrain when

I had to have some real talk words w/ my husband the other day. That when I ask him to take care of something, he isn’t taking care of it if he does it only after I remind him to do it 100 times. It doesn’t count if I have to ask him more than once. And that he should be doing shit without being asked. We’ll see if it

I mean, you have to know that this is phenomenally unfair. America produces tons of world-class wine. I, personally, prefer French (Burgundy to be specific) but American wine can go toe to toe with any wine producing country.

that’s probably also a downstream effect of French protectionism.  If they don’t have access to good American wine, how could they try and learn about it?

My FIL once started to read out some silly listicle “10 traits of strong and independent women” or some shit.  Immediately my MIL, SIL, and myself were like, STOP no we don’t care that is STUPID.  It was great.  

This is why I’m leaning toward a birthing center (if/when i get preggers).  Seems like a happy medium? full staff of certified nurse midwives and close to a hospital should the need arise.

and you can bet that should these women actually successfully give birth that they will never take them for the doctor for any reason and a good portion of them will die of preventable diseases.  These are the parents who try to treat measles with onion and honey.

my mom bought a pure bred cat (to my extreme disapproval) and I wanna say he was in that range.  Also had ring worm which spread to the whole family! Great!

I’d genuinely like to know how it could be a valid argument?  It’s similar to saying that it’s okay to sexually assault a women who has sex a lot.  Regardless of the target, stealing is never okay.  I wouldn’t have thought that would be controversial.

All I can think about is all the laws written and enacted because of the abuse/murder of a single child, i.e. Amber Hagerman Act, Megan’s Law, Jacob Wetterling Act, etc. I guess it’s just way easier politically to attack (comparatively rare) sexual predators of children vs. (also fairly rare but less so) mass murder

While it is certainly true that certain lobby groups are extremely problematic in that their incentives are disastrously misaligned with the good of society (think: Prison Guards’ Union = increased incarcerations), I do not think it is fair to say that ALL lobbying groups must be done away with.  How we eliminate the