Horseasaurus Rex Cleared Cache n Cookies


I danced ballet for 20 years. If they let you take ballet in baggy clothes, they are hacks. Girls would literally be kicked out of class if they weren’t wearing leotard + tights. Depending on where you took, it *had* to be black leotard + pink tights, but that’s probably more stylistic than practical. Alignment is

I mean, when I was a teenager, the top pants were known to me as “bootcut dance pants” and the bottom ones were “dance pants” so i think the point is... language evolves.

LOL my husband showed me her tweet last night, and my response was “If only I had her platform on which to call you out for all your bullshit on Twitter.” Which made him laugh hysterically. For 1. Leaving bottle caps all over the damn house. 2. draping his socks over the edge of the hamper so they can “dry out”

don’t forget the gem from good ole Spicy, Donnie should be taken seriously, not literally.

quite. I’m with you. I also love to enjoy a Mountain Dew about once a year. So delicious but so much sugar one per year is about right. All the insane marketing is so bizarre to me.

I guess they learned their lesson, evidence: one million different kinds of diet coke. *shrugging emoji*

agree, their chemistry was beyond. And that line got me too!


took the words right out of my mouth, giant.

my fully grown cats went under the seat in front. no problem. just need to get a soft sided carrier that’s TSA approved.

mine did really well on a flight when I moved cross-country. they settled down and fell asleep in their soft sided carriers almost immediately. The white noise and soft vibration put them at ease.

i mean. seeing eye dogs tho.

I’m afraid I’m not familiar with the concept of yawping, so I might be expressing it in a yawp without knowing it?

I *loved* that movie.

I fucking love Pink. *sorry* P!nk


I’d like to think that if a dear friend and person who helped launch my (v successful) career were accused of something unconscionable I’d respond better. But I honestly can’t say what I’d do if I were in that scenario.

aha! makes so much more sense!

I don’t know what would make you think I’m an absolutist... I just said that I liked learning that she has a PhD.