Horseasaurus Rex Cleared Cache n Cookies

they don’t publish a short list. Did you want her to practice saying the names of everyone involved in every movie that critics likes from the past year? You ask too much.

I doubt they had access to the names ahead of time... this shit is super secretive.

I’m low-key obsessed with her recovery saying “Kalelujah!”

Ooooh, Duckworth used to be my congressperson and I didn’t know she had a PhD! I’m a worthless pedant over-educated elitist, so I like this.

take your heckin’ star and get out.

I think the message is: it’s one thing to know something is hard intellectually, it is quite another thing to live it.

I was literally about to comment almost word for word the same thing. All those badges give me so much anxiety... it’s like phone pokemon... gotta clear ‘em all!

Let’s all keep in mind that Dwayne Johnson is the highest paid actor in Hollywood. And as much love as I have for Dwanta Claus... he does not deserve to be the highest paid film actor in the US...

I think it’s weird to assume relative attractiveness correlates to trustworthiness...

Hell, I’m happily married and that’d do it for me *now*.

I would imagine it’s not especially dissimilar to the Westminister Dog Show. Still problematic, but not necessarily weird in comparison.


I honestly think the other kids were better; not that her acting was bad (at all) it’s just that comedy is much harder and more technical than quiet/brooding/etc. The kid who plays Dustin is incredible; I can’t get over how hilarious he is.

I feel like Oprah has literally no connection to CA, so prolly not Harris’ seat, but another (IL?) I’d be here for.

I mean, people used to love them some public executions...

a few opened on Saturday and we went to all three looking for Foria; no dice. Soon...

weed lube. all the yes, I can’t wait. I live in SF, and shockingly there aren’t any open to the public yet... I’m counting the days!

I mean, Cory Booker just got a co-sponsor on his federal marijuana legalization bill. Hopefully Sessions’ shit-talking will spur all the other dems to jump on that band wagon poste haste.

made me chuckle, but for me, my hands get super cold when I’m stoned. And/or my hands are always freezing and I’m hyper aware of it when I’m stoned.

I think the proportion of pot-users who primarily use edibles is likely to increase with legalized recreational sale. It’s annoying and difficult to make edibles w/ bud (black market... not much customer choice). Dispensaries can provide ample options of carefully dosed edibles to satisfy everyone’s palate.