Horseasaurus Rex Cleared Cache n Cookies

Babou is a fantastic name for a cat. Please see my avatar photo for proof.

Sushirrito? I actually quite liked it. It was like a giant hand roll.

generally the only time I kill spiders is if they are giant and being menacing like smack in the middle of the wall over my head while I sleep, or something. other than that I’d rather they stick around and eat fruit flies.

I mean, I guess technically you can file suit over literally anything, but that doesn’t mean that any attorney will agree to represent you, and a judge can throw out the case with prejudice, or the defendant can request summary judgment. There are (some) checks against actually frivolous lawsuits.

I guess you haven’t watched The Crown.

I could hardly disagree more. Black and navy is the chicest color combo for its subtlety. You’re way off on this one.

you’d think a vet would know the difference b/w a fat cat and a big one... Smoky was a big boy. Plus with all that crazy fluffy fur he looked even bigger. I have two cats now, both somewhat diminutive, 9lbs and 6lbs.

The reason why my mother got the pure bred cat is because we had adopted a Maine coon or Maine coon mix at a shelter when I was young. When our big fella died (heart murmurs are common amongst Maine coons) she tried to chase the dream of replacing him. Obviously it doesn’t work that way. Our first guy was 19 pounds of

we saw a Newfoundland in the park over the weekend, named Bubba. I desperately wanted to go say hello but my social awkwardness prevented me. I told my husband that I wanted to meet the “half horse half bear” over yonder. I’m not much of a dog person in particular but I love critters of almost all kinds and I’m

consent is the operative concept. A dog doesn’t consent to having its ears chopped off. If an adult human in possession of all their faculties wants to body-mod, power to them.

agreed. very sad and unnecessary. THe whole dog show culture/attitude is pretty fucked as well.

my in-laws have always had golden retrievers; my sister-in-law got a golden from the same breeder a few years ago... it disappointments me that she didn’t go to a shelter. Now my parents-in-law’s golden is having some extremely bad health problems and may not live much longer. I can’t help but think that they’d have

I honestly thing religion is the driving force on that. Millenials aren’t all that religious and I think that is key.

honestly i feel like this is kind of uncharted territory so to say “he didn’t handle it perfectly” is confusing b/c there’s no script for this. I kind of respect him for writing this. He’s obviously still an asshole, but he’s one who is at least attempting to be self-aware and come to terms and try to be better. In

That’s a totally fair point, but my counterpoint would be: did Obama really get substantial foreign policy experience in the Illinois state senate? I’m not so sure.

I don’t know why people say that about Kamala Harris. Obama only served in the senate for 4 years when he ran for President. True he was a state senator for 7 years before that, but KH was the AG of California for 6 years and the DA of SF for 3 years before that. I don’t understand all the hand-wringing when we’re

“state’s rights” is just a convenient smoke screen for why certain areas of policy are considered objectionable when there’s really no good reason.

That is true, but 63% of white men voted for him.

right, I mean, these days a lot of the best political journalism that we see is actually done by comedians.

That Snowden interview... man. It was great. Just true journalism.