Horseasaurus Rex Cleared Cache n Cookies

That’s all I could think about scrolling through this thread, but honestly I just don’t buy the sweet tea thing. It is so implausible, I just cannot.

I mean, I think what’s actually happening is that these men think that women “cry rape” and “accuse men of sexual harrassment” when they obviously just need to *lighten the fuck up it was a compliment*.

OOOOOH that Casefile series was so good. I thought I knew about Jonestown... I did not.

I have a coworker who has used it successfully to make friends after moving to a new city. I guess that’s an option? I’ve never used it, I used the oldest fashioned dating service: college. But my understanding is that the “it’s just for hookups” take is inaccurate.

it might be a (sub)urban legend that I’m too lazy to google, but I feel like I’ve heard about a murder over a homeowner failing to comply with HOA landscaping regulations. I don’t doubt the story for a minute that Rand might’ve gotten jumped over his open compost or some shit.

I’m here for this. I, too, had this exact response.

but then we would be opening the can of worms about what is the definition of “white.” And that gets hairy, quickly.

on this topic, I found it interesting that there was blowback against Kim K for dressing up as Aaliyah, but I didn’t see a word about her sister dressing up as Michael Jackson. (The MJ costume was magic)

omg their hands are SO HUMAN

I mean, not to advocate for Rick Perry here, because his arguments are asinine... but it might be a real thing at the absolute margin, where there is very little light at night and say you have to go to an outhouse to relieve yourself in the middle of the night... I can see that as a dangerous situation viz.

no one’s forcing them to move. I respect her attempts to give women of color an extra nudge of empowerment.

exactly... story of my life.

this right here is why this type of case will almost certainly never be tried. Your judgement of *why* someone would be using a vibrator in public in the first place is SO irrelevant to the fact that it would still be a crime for the device to be hijacked.

that is definitely different, sorry that happened...

however, you’ve never seen yourself faint (I’m assuming?). You know what it feels like inside your head, but who knows what it looks like? I passed out in yoga once (I have low blood pressure) and my instructor told me I was violently shaking for like 5 seconds before I slumped down. I thought I just crumpled.

when I saw it, it took me a beat then I was all

I want to be with you on this, but women who come out and say “I’m really feeling my look today” or whatever, often get MORE hate and bullshit than if they take a hawt selfie and say “what a pretty day!”


*and daughters of Republican politicians and their donors

you’re thinking of attachment disorder, this is also what my assumption was about this child. We may be getting a setup for next season; kids with attachment disorder occasionally lash out violently against their adoptive parents, sometimes even killing them.