Horseasaurus Rex Cleared Cache n Cookies

I DIED when she delivered the line about mystery sauce being white chocolate, but then goes in for another bite. GOLDDDDD.

oh god, I did NOT know that. That is horrific. Outside of hoping for compassion, I don’t quite understand allowing oneself to be so worked up about being annoyed w/ a celebrity who is pretty easy to avoid...

barefoot, pregnant, in the kitchen = sacred, looked upon with great honor

also he’s talking bullshit. Women have not, will not, and should not be “sacred.” Objects are sacred. Women are human people. Some are assholes, some are saints. Just like eeeeeveryone else.

I follow a cosmetic tattoo artist on instagram and she’s had multiple posts removed by Instagram when she posts photos of the nipple tattoos she does for breast cancer surviving women. It is SO stupid. Like this is OBVIOUSLY not a pornographic post. Also her tattoos are SO impressive. So lifelike.

if you mean Giada DeLaurentiis, he certainly isn’t married to her, but I personally give her a pass because she is actually Italian (born in Rome).

I totally get it and I was hesitant about watching the show at all considering the whole premise. Not trying to pester you into watching the show, watch whatever you feel like watching, none of my business. It’s just that it wasn’t even a rape scene in the end.

no, not that. There’s more to the story, I’m trying to avoid spoilers. I really enjoyed the show.

Tench has a flattop, not high and tight.

I hear you, but it’s not what you think.

I think it’s a significant distinction that Selena was murdered. Her death is significant in a different way than Hendrix or Cobain. Not to say that they aren’t all tragic, it’s just... she was murdered...

I’m thinking it was intended to mirror something akin to “Selena 4 lyfe.”

ah, ok. Worth a listen, despite the fact they’ve stopped making it (Tig and others’ podcast).

a blastronaut, if you will?

were you by chance a listener of Professor Blastoff?

I’m super conflicted about Larry Flynt. He’s abhorrent, but free speech is good, and the Jerry Fallwell shit is HILARIOUS and he did not deserve to be shot in the back. Basically he’s a person who’s mostly gross but still a human person.

I’m sick of that shit.

There’s a lot of touching gray area, though, b/c we shake hands with total strangers, but that doesn’t really “count” per se.

My best friend from high school just gave birth 3 months ago; the first time I saw her while she was pregnant we were texting ahead of time and I was all “I will touch your belly. I will touch your belly way more than you think I will. This is happening. Prepare yourself.” Which she thought was hilarious, and man

it is exceedingly rare, IMO, that “taken out of context” is actually true and valid as an explanation. *Sometimes* seeing the full context allows the comment to no longer be objectionable. This is not one of those times.