Horseasaurus Rex Cleared Cache n Cookies

you’ve obviously never been in an abusive/controlling relationship. I was raised by an abusive mother who was extremely rude to waitors/etc all the time but I never said SHIT because if I did it would come back on me 100 fold. I don’t like it, but in the moment it never felt like an option to call her out. Even when I

again, it is plausible that she just thought that all these starlets just really wanted to wear Marchesa. This isn’t her fault. We should be focusing on how bad Harvey is; she is not responsible for her husband’s actions. Men need to bear the accountability for their own damn actions.

it is *plausible* that she was unaware of the settlements. Powerful men often keep their wives in the dark on their financial matters. Maybe she’s one of those rich wives who gets an allowance and has all her own accounts? I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt until I learn otherwise. This is not her fault and I’m

there’ve always been those weird giant light green ones that have less fat and are, as a result, 100% repulsive.

I hear this. I think it’s entirely plausible that she didn’t really know. And good for her for getting the fuck out asap.

100% agree with you. Word to the wise, the word is pronounced “moray” but spelled “more.”

That, to me, is an admission of guilt. Like, “HEY, cut the old guy some slack! Sexual favors have always been Hollywood currency, whats the big DEAAALLLLLLLL.”

also, related: I just heard some research today that for a working group to have the highest “group intelligence” one of the recommendations is to have as many women on the team as possible. Like, 100% women is ideal. I was like OBVIOUSLY.

I looked it up. He’s never been even close to richest american. I’m pretty sure that Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer and like 20 other people have always had him beat, even at his peak.

I mean, I was commenting more or less rhetorically. I know the FDA can’t get after literally every minor infraction. Evaporated cane juice is just one of those things that bugs me.

yeah... seems like “america’s richest man” claim is like... no.

I also have come to love pink. (I rebelled against pink when I was younger b/c I didn’t like to associate with things that were seen as so intensely “girly” but now I’m just like I DO WHAT I WANT.)

It’s my birthday month too! And I also hate it b/c of all the godforsaken halloween shite everywhere. I am a HSP (highly sensitive person) so all the scary shit really bothers me. Like the super realistic corpses people like to use as “decoration” this time of year, and all the horror movie previews...

In seeing the requirement that ingredients be listed by their common or usual name makes me think of all the bullshit organic products that list “evaporated cane juice” in their ingredients. Oh... you mean SUGAR. Gahtdamn. Where’s the FDA on that?

besides the fact that I’m sure there are areas where the ACA could be strengthened/improved. Esp with respect to premiums. Dems can’t just dig in their heels and pretend like everything is perfect. Iteration is the key to success.

although I totes give Shatner and Martin a pass on the humble brags. Old guys get to remind us how hot they were. The ppl who are hot now (or hot adjacent) can supply the cringey photos. Chelsea Handler, as always... I just... can’t...

the “free love” movement was followed immediately women’s lib/2nd wave feminism for a reason...

it still isn’t appropriate. Asking about surgery is private. It’s unkind to pry like that, and Megyn asked it in such a hamfisted way.

I love Jane Fonda so very much, but girlfriend needs a new hairdo. Hers is so sprayed and backcombed to death, so crispy. Helen’s hair looks so current. I want Jane to get away from the helmet hair SO BAD.

I’m 32 (birthday yesterday heyyyy) and I get Botox for chronic migraines, but the injection sites overlap with where they inject for cosmetic. It really doesn’t freeze your face that much. Botox and fillers are temporary, so why not experiment?