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with *whom

I also suspect that there is likely a strong narrative amongst the elite group of wealthy public figures (such as 45 and Paris Hilton) that you gotta watch out for poors who are gonna accuse you of random shit trying to get a payout. I suspect that that *is* something that probably does happen, but I doubt it happens

I feel like leaders have to take them down. If it’s a protest and the statue is toppled by the people, the opposition will probably just dig their heels in harder. If the mayor/governor is like, “no y’all, these have got to go” there might be a glimmer that the right will acquiesce gradually...

as a blonde human person, I’d classify her (ridiculously gorgeous, btw) hair as “milk chocolate”. Obviously w/ some balayage. But not blonde.

my spanish teacher in college was from Spain, but she still taught us latin american spanish b/c it’s more useful. I guess I should appreciate that, but I barely remember any Spanish at this point...

yeah and they’ll be SUPER grateful for their lily-white skin then.

The fact that you think that policing a woman’s language is more important that the content of her words speaks volumes.

and also, he has no clue what she’d actually do in that situation unless he actually witnessed it... we never react the way we think we will in situations like this.

it’s not chauvinist as long as it comes from a place of being outraged on her behalf, as opposed to another dude touching something that “belongs” to you.

“ass” is not a trashy word.

but WHY was she wearing a THONG with a short SKIRT if she didn’t WANT anyone to TOUCH her BARE ass???

She spent her life preparing for this trial by watching ALL the SVU (I can imagine). She *knows* how they will try to discredit her. She has her own Olivia Benson for moral support. ;)

If by “this” you mean the dirtbag suing *her* for his misdeed, then yes. If you mean getting your ass grabbed by a rando... that happens to everyone.

also it sounds vaguely sexual, like he’s inviting her to Dom him or something. Another level of extremely inappropriate.

either, but I’m quite partial to a chamomile sazerac...

(sorry... I didn’t know it was a secret... I’ll keep my mouth shut)

I was wondering just this: the two likely outcomes of her sleeping in the guest room are:

I second the Buffalo Trace sentiment. It’s really reasonably priced for the quality. I also find that rye is a better value overall than bourbon since rye production is really small comparatively so the quality tends to be a skosh higher. Basically any rye on the market (with the exception of Old Overholt which is

What I don’t get is people demanding all that new shit when they move into an apartment. I don’t even know how I’d phrase the sentences... I felt bad asking for my landlady to fix the fridge so that the light would actually turn on when the door opened...