Horseasaurus Rex Cleared Cache n Cookies

We just moved out of an apartment we’d rented for almost 4 years; our landlady scheduled a move-out walk through with us, but then after dropping by once we’d moved out, she called and excitedly told us that our security deposit would be in the mail, no walk-through needed, the apartment looked great! We were like

SO TRUE. On 4/20 the SF cops are all “we just want everybody to have a great day! Stay safe!”

I’m DYING for 1/1/18. It shall be a beautiful day indeed.

I live in CA but visit AZ pretty often, I was SO looking forward to bringing pot w/ me and getting baked in the dessert. Dang. I feel you.

it’s also pretty easy to get patents for things that aren’t actually that unique. The patent office has a pretty strong bias toward approving applications.

this is not a good joke. Al Gore was flayed for comments that were accurate re his involvement with the creation of the internet.

same; I shaved on Saturday for the first time in a WHILE and it was like bushwhacking through the rainforest. But SO HARD to tell if you covered everything b/c those little blond hairs are invisible to the naked eye.

OMG YES. Kellyanne’s hair is drier than the fucking Sahara. What even is it?

I was all ready to disagree, but I find that I cannot. You’re probably right.

if the pattern continues, maybe in 40 or so years some nutbags will claim that ISIS never existed and the sexual slavery was a hoax.

I live in San Francisco and occasionally my dad (who’s in the Navy) says snarky things about how many gay people live here. I get really pissed because I know why that is. Next time I’ll tell him: it’s because of all the sailors who were *dishonorably discharged* from the Navy for homosexuality during WWII and dropped

he is the Dunning-Kruger effect made human.

I think if this were true, we wouldn’t see crazy age gaps all the damn time. I think most older people have a self-image that is younger than their age. Like if they’re 70, they see themselves as 40. And also, if a guy is attracted to 25-year-olds when he’s 25, why would he stop being attracted to them at 30, 35, 40,

I have DND scheduled between 11 and 7 am every day. Never have to think about it. Problem solved.

His tweet about the EU being protectionist against the US is so incoherent. He is obsessed with protectionist policies. It is fucking *rich* that he would criticize anyone else for similar policies.

still pervy if you’re gay, just saying.

How I imagine that Momoa got cast:

yesyesyesyesyesyesyes. Do you watch Nerd Writer on youtube? if not you should. He has an excellent analysis on BvS and how it was just a film made up of “moments” with no character work or really even plot.

so much yes. I don’t even care about the fact that one of his front teeth is dead center in his head.

yeah me neither. I loved mine! We had brunch at a laid back spot in my neighborhood, some of us went and got manis, then that evening we went to a cocktail making class, then out to a neighborhood bar for a couple drinks. I was forced to take a photo in a stupid sash which I did not wear into the bar. It was a