Horseasaurus Rex Cleared Cache n Cookies

fuck the dress codes, I’m not going anywhere where *I* could get imprisoned if I were sexually assaulted. Every NOPE.

yeah, i mean, maybe in theory, but I saw a couple at the airport in Doha, man wearing cargo shorts, flip flops, tank top, woman wearing a fucking burka. that = sexist bullshit

correction: if ANY institution has a rule that applies only to women, it’s sexist bullshit.


wow... just. wow.

that one had me scratching my head too. BCO 4 lyfe!

your take on this is bad and you should feel bad.

are you serious?

do you/ have you ever worn contact lenses? To me, this scenario is improbable on so many levels. I wore contacts more or less daily from age 12 to age 28 when I had LASIK. 1. it takes more than a nap for the lens to dislodge into the eyelid; and 2. it seems 100% bonkers to “forget” if you’d put in contacts or not.

However, negotiating on sanctions before the election I believe *is* illegal. Which Don essentially confessed to, as he said they discussed adoptions by US parents of Russian children, which refers to the Magnitsky Act which imposed sanctions on Russia, with Russia responding by suspending adoptions.

I’m confused by this. I’ve not tried Halo Top, but good ice cream has no “artificial ingredients”. It’s just milk, sugar, cream, flavorings, etc. Sugar free or low sugar ice cream tends to have stabilizers b/c there’s no sugar to stabilize. Sugar is hygroscopic and thus doesn’t freeze as easily. Without sugar or

WOW that is. intense.

YAS. so much yas. When I discovered this column in the stack of magazines at the bottom of my sister’s closet, I snuck them out in 2s and 3s to devour them all. Schadenfreude...

I’m totally with you. And I agree, the garb for leading women in films in general (and especially action movies, hello running in heels in Jurassic World?!?!) is always ridiculous. I just tend to have a streak of devil’s advocate that I can’t always suppress.

yeah, the title gave me a bad taste. That said, I’ll prolly still go see it; a solid 50% of movie titles are utter shite.

I mean, I don’t totally disagree, but then again, James Bond is always in his custom made very fitted tuxedo or something similar. So it’s not as if the male versions are fighting in sweats.

um... seriously? Do you also think that the cultural practice of FGM merits respect?

“for some reason”

... don’t think Napoleon wore heels. Are you thinking of Louis XIV? Napoleon was actually reasonably tall for the day.

i think it was a vacation time cash out. A lot of companies offer that, the amount sounds high, but maybe he never took vacation ever? Regardless, it’s pretty fucked up that he’s eligible for cash out, but I don’t know what the official policies are...