Horseasaurus Rex Cleared Cache n Cookies

probably in comparison to other countries in Africa, though, I’d wager.


lol, yeah, too much fluoride can cause discoloration. Sorry to hear about your disfigurement. :(

thank you thank you thank you

right, but the fact that the NHS ultimately foots the bill gives them the right to weigh in on whether or not it’s a wise choice.

I think it’s because the UK is a single payer healthcare system. They’re petitioning because the parents won’t be the ones paying for the treatment, the NHS will. This is one of the downsides of single payer (not to say it’s not a great system) it just means, if the patients isn’t the one footing the bill, they

it’s cool that your experience with a shelter dog went great. It does not, however, give you the right to tell others that this is the only way it can ever go. Obviously, the person quoted here is an expert, you, are not.

my issue with the concept of “aging gracefully” is that people who look their age and show it aren’t “graceless”, they might just have genes that mean their skin wrinkles more. It seems like a value judgement which strikes me as unkind.

I will NOT fight you as I too prefer cake, as I am human. Anyone who claims to prefer pie is clearly outing themselves as a pod person and must be destroyed.

You shouldn’t feel bad about having to be reminded. It is normal and rational to be more concerned with imminent threats at home even if they are less dire than ones abroad. Don’t fall prey to the fallacy of relative privation.

and there really is NO way to refuse a hug without looking like a massive jerk. It just can’t be done. So many of us go along with hugs we don’t want to avoid the awkwardness.

yeah, well, how about we just say “some countries” or rather “some people”. Cruelty and amoral behavior towards animals is sadly, fairly universal.

if you don’t mind me asking, where are you from that you’d mix F and C up? That perplexes me. No snark, just wondering.

ok, yeah, I agree. Your earlier comment was a bit confusing; I didn’t quite grasp your thesis. However, it’s easier said than done. We can’t just unilaterally decide on a “professional” uniform for all genders. These things take years/decades and its somewhat organic in how styles and norms evolve.

“cacaphony of dust balloons”

I love you, jazzyturtleneck.

I’m not 100% sure what exactly your argument is, but I’d like to point out the fact that the concise “uniform” for men (i.e. suit and tie) lends quite a bit of freedom, in a sense, to men that women don’t have. For example, all a male politician has to do to look professional is wear a decent fitting gray suit and a

I don’t disagree with you, but surely you don’t mean 80 degrees celcius.

besides the fact that if you are *still bleeding* more than a couple of days after a facelift, something is VERY wrong. Makes no logical sense.

ur a lawyer-cat, right? I mean... isn’t this libel/slander? He publicly announced something he theoretically *knew* to be false in order to damage Mika’s image?