Horseasaurus Rex Cleared Cache n Cookies

lest we forget he saluted with a got damned coffee cup.

“romeo and juliet” exceptions

I just bought a condo and I’m now concerned that everyone I know is snooping on me. Because I sure as shit have done it too. *ugh*


I feel like Zillow is trying to lean on the fact that they have illegal and unenforceable language in their T&Cs. They essentially have “fair use doesn’t apply” in their terms. You can’t do that...

Did you not read? Through her tweet she was able to find (presumably) pro bono representation. It worked like a charm.

OSHA requires restrooms for employees (down to how far an employee can be required to walk in order to get there). They just don’t have a public restroom. When I worked in a clothing store in the mall, people would ask if they could use our restroom all the time; no go, customers are not allowed in the back with all

I’m right there with you. It’s so much motivated reasoning it’s truly stunning. If only one woman accused him, she’s not trustworthy, if a baker’s dozen accuse him, all with the same story, most of them are lying. Goddamnit.

ugh Joy was so terrible.

yeah, but with a different background color, it is really hard to compare the two.

That’s the thing. Even if they filtered the photo to make her skin look slightly darker, it’s still in the range of what her skin might look like naturally, i.e. more or less sun exposure. Blackface is specifically terrible because it was used to dehumanize and ridicule black people. This is not that.

barf. that is all.

Would you have said that about Obama?

Oh: also, James Perse. A bit spendy, but I have a couple of JP tees that I’ve had for like 12 years and still going strong. I wore one yesterday that’s supima and just glorious in every way.

check out American Giant for tees/anything cotton. Their sweatpants are literal magic. Also Everlane has some good stuff at good prices too. I too am a natural fiber only kind of gal! Nice to meet you!

and to my eye, the “not in public” comment was probably just something she said because she was afraid to say “I’m not interested.”

what I mean by that is how they think about what salaries make sense. And the agents are sort of “in” on the paradigm as well. If you represent a leading man, you’ll expect him to get paid the most, if you represent a leading lady, you’ll think you’ve done a kickass job negotiating her to something approaching but

I think there’s just this really rigid paradigm in place when it comes to pay structure in hollywood: leading man gets most, leading lady gets less, regardless of who is a bigger star or who has more screen time, or who the fans respond to the most. It’s just this like set in stone guideline that is bonkers in this

except for the fact that the “elites” are often the ones who eschew medicine in favor of the bullshit. Like GP and Steve Jobs, e.g.

I’ve been called worse by my own mother. granted, she was abusive, but still.