Horseasaurus Rex Cleared Cache n Cookies

You won’t be left with many pop stars to listen to if that’s your criteria.

and, benefit of the doubt, living amongst ppl who don’t share your accent influences the way you talk QUICK. I lost my midwestern accent within a year of attending college with almost no one from the midwest. They mocked my vowel sounds and by thanksgiving, my friends from home were all “why are you talking funny?”

sssssseriously. I, for one, welcome our new alien overlords, so long as they’re from whatever planet Cate is from.

UGH I DIDN’T EVEN THINK ABOUT THAT. shit. she didn’t know how far along she was and she didn’t KNOW SHE WAS HAVING FUCKING TWINS. I can confidently say, as an atheist, this is NOT WHAT JESUS WOULD HAVE WANTED.

if you’re having twins you shouldn’t have a home birth. period. And I’m all for homebirth.

twist: they also hate freeloading welfare recipients. I guess they only like stay at home moms? But they tend to be women... Rats. I guess they hate everyone? Who isn’t them?


it’s cool that you feel that way. don’t have an abortion then. how you feel doesn’t really matter.

I wonder if he thinks, say, a dude who starts a bar fight and gets his nose broken should be “allowed” to have corrective rhinoplasty...

and he doesn’t even have the excuse of being educated below Mason Dixon. In my history classes (in Missouri) we were taught explicitly that the war was NOT about slavery, but instead about states’ rights.

yeah, so... I actually live in CA. And commute to the valley. And work in tech. I still think this is fucking stupid as shit.

This machine seems like utter insanity to me. But I guess I’m old fashioned. Like, why is buying pouches of pulp easier than just buying fruits/veggies?? What am I missing?

According to what I’ve read, while the rate of increase seems high, the absolute numbers are still low. I.e. 16 kids admitted to the ER due to THC accidental exposures in a year. Which still pale in comparison to accidental exposure to household cleaners etc.

sorry sorry sorry

it just seems weird to lob “white feminist” at her when she doesn’t even call herself a feminist... IMO she’s worse than a white feminist, since she’s at times overtly anti-woman.

Does she even identify as feminist?

Where data exists in the Middle east, it appears that FGM ranges in prevalence from 2-3% (parts of Iraq) up to 90% (Oman). The prevalence in Egypt is 91%. Data is spotty or non existent in Saudi Arabia. Many central African countries have FGM rates 0f less than 5%. The data seems to indicate that in many Arab

agreed. I’m not even a fan of the practice of piercing infant girls’ ears. There are some “types” of FGB that don’t reduce sexual function or cause pain during sex. It’s still wrong.

because it’s the norm. we as humans all want to conform to the social norm, on average. This (and male circumcision) are social norms that are fucked up and gotta go. Both practices are indefensible, it’s just that one of them is familiar in the US and one of them is familiar in the arab world. Arguing over which

I really don’t mean to appear to side w/ MRAs, but that isn’t entirely true. There are “levels” of FGM, and the most extreme version (equivalent to cutting off the glans) is the least common. That this happened to these girls (any girls anywhere in the world) is atrocious and indefensible, however, our familiarity