Horseasaurus Rex Cleared Cache n Cookies

Thanks, yes! Ultimately I don’t think it’s relevant which one is “worse.” They’re both immoral, it’s just that here in the US, removal of foreskin is routine. Similarly, in the arab world, removal of labia is routine. They’re both wrong. It broke my heart when I couldn’t convince my sister not to circumcise her

The grad student who TA’ed my physics lab in college was stunning. And I’m pretty sure she spoke several languages.

I’m no apologetic for the oppression of women by religion, but the arab world (which this magazine caters to, not just Saudi Arabia) has some diversity in terms of what women are allowed to do. Your argument assumes that covering from head to toe is required of all women who might be interested in reading this

yah, but Brownback was reëlected...

I bet he thought health code doesn’t apply to him, like everything else.

yeah but he essentially gave it away. he doesn’t retain rights to it if he gave it away. Just as he wouldn’t have rights to it if he’d sold it to the city. “first sale doctrine”

no no, I meant the bull’s meaning had already changed by the time the girl statue was installed. It was originally left there as a commentary on the insanity of the stock market, or whatever, and now it’s the proud symbol of capitalism at work, fully embraced by wall street. It’s not commentary anymore, it’s earnest.

She has been led to commit the cardinal sin of feeding bananas to elephants: Giving them only one banana.

That’s like suing Toyota because you used the car to drive to a casino where you lost all your money. I hope this lawsuit was dismissed with prejudice. It is frivolous beyond measure.

Also, we gotta get our foot in the door somehow. And women directors of “women’s movies” may be our best shot and it.

To me I think she may have meant: we need more movies directed by women, in general, but the absurdity of films claiming to portray a female story being entirely controlled by men, is especially a problem.

to a certain extent though, the intention of the piece is less relevant if it has come to mean something else entirely. See also, e.g. the swastika. Originally a Hindu symbol, that shit means something else now, so the original intent is irrelevant if you get is tattooed on ur forehead.

Correct me if I’m wrong here, renard:

fucking hell. Worse than an invitee to a Passover seder I’m going to, responding she can’t make it to dinner, signing off with “Happy Easter!”

lord have mercy... yeah.

especially because he doesn’t seem to see Holocaust victims as “Hitler’s own people”. I mean, fundamentally, they were, in the sense that they were citizens of countries he ruled/occupied. Does Spicer think that German Jews got a pass or something? I’m confuse.

somehow he thinks it’s less bad to kidnap and torture your victims for days/weeks/years before gassing them to death, than to just skip straight to gassing them to death. What is he smoking? Seriously?

even if they’re paying him $0, it’s too damn much.

did he... forget the words... concentration camp?

Thank you! I hate when people needlessly pit shows/people against each other. Also I LOVE Insecure SO MUCH. I will watch this as well.