Horseasaurus Rex Cleared Cache n Cookies

Problem is, I live in San Francisco. Unless I want to pay crazy prices, have many connections, or both, United is basically where it’s at. Plus I have status due to work travel, and I’m made soft by it. I feel trapped. And my experiences have mostly been “fine.”

Zoe can’t not look great. She may be the world’s most beautiful human, TBH.

ugh her fucking preshow at the movies. LEAVE ME ALONE MARIA.

This was the last song the band played at my wedding, for, I guess, obvious reasons. This would have been v embarrassing; I should have added a “do not embarrass the bride” clause to their contract,” *except* for the fact that my dad had yet to dance with me and my stepmom decided this was the time to make him, so I

Seriously. This is all I can think about. They could have shown some fucking humility. I have to fly United so these stories are especially disturbing.

Not knowing what his medical specialty is, he can’t necessarily just “rebook” patients. My dad is a pediatric surgeon and his patients generally have non-elective surgery; they cannot be “re-booked”. Plus they’re usually babies. Often pre-term. Again, maybe this guy was a dermatologist or maybe even a podiatrist.

not if they are underage

plus it’s illegal to fail to comply with FA instructions...

There are also rules/laws/policies with respect to how long of a shift a flight attendant can work, and whatnot, it could’ve been something where they *had* to get these employees back to Louisville for some reason. I’m certainly not defending what they did, they should have kept increasing the reward until someone

Especially at the caliber of Dunst, I’m like 1000% positive she reads scripts ahead of accepting roles. There is informed consent.

I mean, she can’t necessarily go “back” to a “real job”. What is she qualified to do? That’s unrealistic.

I totally get that. Socialization/conditioning, etc, is powerful shit!

aaand I realize I”m like 1000 years late to this thread...

I feel like she is a person who can be “a lot” and she probably feels like breaking barriers/taboos is her brand so she has to live it every minute of every day. There’s a difference between breaking taboos in general, and making individuals you interact with feel uncomfortable. She doesn’t seem to grasp that

This is verified. There is actual research that indicates this!

just because Miki may be problematic doesn’t mean that the company isn’t worth supporting or that you should stop using a product you like. No need to feel guilty.

It’s obviously very different and more complex for WOC, not trying to force an equivalence, but I’ve been surprised by the overarching “curls aren’t professional” bullshit. I recently cut my hair short and my hair *poof* became curly AF. A good friend of mine has gorgeous natural curls but she always straightens her

I recently watched the short film “The Big Chop” on HBOGo, and it gave me (a white woman) a newfound sliver of understanding for what a fraught decision that must be. Best of luck to you! You’ll be beautiful no matter what!
