Horseasaurus Rex Cleared Cache n Cookies

that was a great book.

that is... super weird. right?

Tell her that Richard Gere’s middle name is Tiffany. Might help.

The question there would be: when and how did they identify themselves as law enforcement? It’s illegal to brandish a weapon at cops assuming the police identify themselves as such.

exactly. Even if he were armed, that would not be surprising give the nature of the events. My question is: what the hell kind of judge issued a warrant to allow them to bust into someone’s home like this? I’m assuming it’s a different type of warrant with a higher standard of probable cause for a raid. Right?

There have already been cases of raids by cops driven by drug policing where they charge into the home of a normal family, no probable cause to suspect drug labs, etc, where people get killed. Those families have no recourse. This is just same shit different day, same song different lyrics. All repulsive and should

god I know right? They have the worst timing. My worst pet-peeve (no pun intended) is when I’m settling in for some.... self-love... and both of my girls are like “now’s a great time to descend on mama’s lap!” I feel awful batting them away :(

It’s an uncommon but not unheard of occurrence with my lady; yesterday she was particularly needy and I couldn’t give her any immediate attention (removing nailpolish... acetone + cats = not a great combo) and she wasn’t having it. We’d been out of town over the weekend and had just gotten home, it warmed my heart to

As an atheist american, I constantly feel as if I’m on a daily course of crazy pills. It drives me completely cuckoo bananas. This guy’s WHOLE BASIS for A LAW is what bizarre horrible stories happen to be in the bible. FUCK OFF AND DIE or, like, GO READ THE ESTABLISHMENT CLAUSE FFS.

I’m 31 and I feel the same way. 35 is a pretty well established age at which fertility becomes more of an issue and the risk of genetic problems (ie Down’s) become far more likely.

I’ve been stressing about the same thing... I’m 31 and I feel like there is a doomsday clock out there somewhere ominously ticking down. All while I agonize over whether I’m ready to take the plunge and get my IUD removed... UGH!!!!!!

Similarly, a good friend of mine had Sia’s Chandelier on her party playlist. I was like, “you know this is about substance abuse, right?” awkward...

Ah, my old lady cat isn’t actually all that elderly, she turns 10 this spring. She’s still pretty spry, but she has a hawkish glare that hides her sweet-as-can-be demeanor. Although she has learned the benefits of a gravelly husky meow, so I think we can expect more of that from her! Also my old lady is only 6 lbs,

and his behavior incentivizes people to be yes-men. Staffers (I imagine) are scared shitless of losing their jobs if they correct him. So they go with the flow. This has all happened before (see also: Enron) and it will all happen again.

I don’t have an issue with there being a dress code for pass travelers. What I *do* have an issue with is the dress code applying primarily to female dress. As you say, cargo shorts are (objectively) way grosser than leggings in general, and yet, they are allowed... And at what age does the dress code begin to

same!! My baby girl is always at the door waiting for me when I walk up to the house. And my beloved old lady kitty is basically glued to my body as soon as I sit down. Yesterday she was feeling snuggy when I was taking off my nail polish so she leapt from the back of the toilet onto my shoulders in desperation!

holy shit that gif is gold

Tum again?

OMG I loved selfie SO MUCH. The writing was so fucking good.