Horseasaurus Rex Cleared Cache n Cookies

Wes Anderson overall is fairly overrated. Her performance as Margot was nonetheless quite good. Sliding Doors is a fucking classic.

once a copy editor, always a copy editor, much to my co-worker’s chagrin...

happens to the best of us.

Oh, I never had a term to apply to the satisfaction of scenes like that. Brilliant. And yes to the carousel scene. Lordy I still haven’t watched the last season of Mad Men I’ve just realized...

I’ve been taking “women’s” multivitamins for a couple of years (I was getting constant sores on my tongue...) and my hair is now INCREDIBLE. You just need a really good multi-vite that includes Biotin. Granted it took about a year to see a difference (since it will only help new hair/nail grow) but it was worth it

I *really* struggle with my disdain for Goop (I used to subscribe until every edition made me rage) because I actually think Gwenyth is a pretty great actress. See: The Talented Mr. Ripley. She is incredible in that movie. Also that movie is just great. But she is such a dick...


sorry but... *cues

ME TOO. He’s from my home town so that’s just the cherry on top. He’s the best.

Yeah, we didn’t have to change too many things to become compliant. I’ve been meal planning for years (no kids, but I like to plan ahead) and I cook everyday more or less. The main thing was I was accustomed to lattes on the weekends and frequent pasta/carb-heavy meals. It was definitely nice to kind of shake up my

I’m not aware of any evidence per se. It’s just a feeling I’ve gotten. People who actually have combat experience tend to be pretty hesitant to send more folks into combat. But that is anecdotal.

Anyone else reminded of the budget balancing scene in Dave? But instead of an affable good-guy imposter, it’s an evil cheetoh who actually got elected?

Actual veterans in government tend to be the most dovish. WTF McCain??

aren’t they franchises? McD can’t tell their franchises what to pay their employees.

pretty sure CBP will enforce whether he orders them to or not. They’re already his goon squad.

what gets me is that even if the executive order *were* constitutional, it *wouldn’t* be effective at preventing terrorism. it’s so fucking stupid.

I did whole30 in Jan, and while I strongly think it’s pretty woo-tastic and based on nothing real, I did lose weight and seems like a decent paradigm to keep my gluttony in check.

Yeah, i’m working on being better at moderating my appetite at dinners out. It’s hard though b/c I want ALL THE APPETIZERS. Ironically, I did get sick in Thailand—my honeymoon :( —but it was a virus of contagious origin! I had to go to the clinic in the Bangkok airport and we missed our flight home. Bad times. I

Lindsay Graham has actually proved himself to be human on occasion.

root for whatever the fuck you want. I just liquidated all my shit.