Horseasaurus Rex Cleared Cache n Cookies

yeesh, yeah I get that fear completely. For me, the last couple of years, if I go out for a nice meal and overindulge, I *very* often will wake up in the middle of the night nauseated, cold sweats, heart pounding, only to spend an hour or so sitting on the bathroom floor begging to vomit, until it passes

I mean, I’m sure they’d be fine with the “eat potatoes” part...

Absolutely! I found a mix of things that works for me (along w/ my team of physicians, lol). I take two benadryl every night (Costco has em for CHEAP) along with Tizanidine (super low dose muscle relaxant I originally tried for migraines—didn’t help w/ migraines, but puts me to sleep) and occasional 2.5mg of Ambien.

Perhaps they covered this, I haven’t watched, but if his taxable income was $150,000,000, then he should have paid approximately $59,000,000 in federal income tax. But likely his taxable income was way way lower due to silliness in the tax code hence the AMT kicking in.

SERIOUSLY. This is one of my biggest pet peeves about this idiotic debate. No one is cutting checks to PP for fun. They are reimbursing them for Medicaid covered treatment. JFC.

that sounds more like a virus. Typically with food poisoning, symptoms clear up a whole lot faster than that (of course depending on what the contaminant was). Viruses can sicken you for much longer and include fevers, chills, aches, etc in addition.

That all may be true, but Hank Azaria is still a white person. He may understand oppression better than most white people, but he is still a white person. Doing a stereotypical accent on TV. So...

I feel like saying someone has chutzpah is akin to saying “has some balls” (forgive the gendered expression). Like it can be used in either tilt. Like “wow that took balls to walk in here accusing me of that!” as in “how dare you?”

my thoughts exactly in reading this. There may be some tangential benefits to some of these practices, but they sure as shit aren’t because “toxins” are being “flushed.” ALthough it may be a reasonable suspicion that her gut flora is messed up.

It can be really hard to distinguish food poisoning from a GI virus, and if your immune system aint so good and/or your gut flora isn’t very good, bouts of either can be common. I used to have a terrible immune system due to unmanaged insomnia and I got sick (GI or respiratory) about 6 times a year give or take. Now

We watched Schindler’s List on the last day of my Ethics class in h.s.

typical divas...

People in the sixties: Never get into a car with a stranger

Ah. Not being any kind of legal expert besides loving Law & Order, this doesn’t tell me much about the legality of his actions, etc, but perhaps makes a tiny bit more sense? Defamation is notoriously hard to prove/win in court at least in the US.

erm, Darkest Timeline Spock.

My sister in law is that baby. It’s pretty common and it aint a good look.

I asked my neighbor (who had a ton of amazing tats) where she got hers, and it happened to be the shop across the street (hey, convenience!). If you see some work you like (not necessarily content, but style, precision, line weight, etc) ask them where their ink is from! That way you know they are competent.

would he have preferred #FreeKeshaAllegedly...?

The takeaway from that NPR article is that it’s unlikely that people who are coming down with leprosy are actually infected by armadillos.

I, myself, was shocked that it seems to have... hooves? Go figure. Maybe they’re a distant cousin to the javelina? cuz those fuckers are rodents and they have hooves.