Horseasaurus Rex Cleared Cache n Cookies

he’s just the best.

I don’t disagree with you at all. I’m not saying what he did was okay. It most certainly IS NOT OKAY and should 100% be a crime. However. It’s also not the same as a man who literally forces a pre-pubescent girl to pose for his and others’ sexual gratification. It’s just not the same thing.

I agree with you in the sense that painting him with the same brush as people who are actual pedophiles is a little off-base, but what he did is definitely still a sex-crime. Except there’s no equivalent of statutory rape when it comes to CP. Maybe there should be. But there isn’t.

the new false equivalency that’s making me bonkers is “we felt this way when Obama was elected and you didn’t see us acting this way.”


And there are of course very smart people who just have dumb sounding voices. I had a friend in grad school who dyed her (highlighted) hair brown for job interview season (I’m blonde and I was like, uhhh, wut?) but it was her way of counter-acting her insanely ditzy voice. She commented candidly that she knows her

It is continually shocking how few people in the US read books. My cousins are this way, they claim to have not read a book since junior high.

I cannot even wrap my head around the complaint that she lies, from the perspective of a group of people who have a very thin grasp on reality and live fact-free lives. Like, what even is a lie when you believe that Donnie of the golden garbage tower is a man of the people?

Yeah. obvi.

She was also too old, too robotic, too expressive, too loud, didn’t do enough, did too much, and mostly was far far too female.

And Chris Brown is getting bent out of shape because Aziz made fun of him for the fact that he ACTUALLY LITERALLY BEAT UP HIS GIRLFRIEND.

also comedies get the shaft BIG TIME. Actors who slay in a comedic role get no love whatsoever.

It’s cuz teh menz like the fact that historically women have been assigned worth based on appearance; it makes it easier for them to put us in our “place”. Just throw “fat” “ugly” “cow” in our direction and all wind leaves our sails. But now? Now we tell them to go eat a bag of dicks and we keep on slaying.

I see abortion per se less of a right, more than I have the right to be in control of when/where/why I bring life into the world.


TOOOTally fair, although any HR dept worth their salt wouldn’t go near terminating someone for talking about compensation, that’s a major lawsuit risk. That being said, I’ve been asked to keep my comp package confidential countless times and I’ve never brought up the fact that this is against the law. I resolve to

Where’s Nate Silver to show me what the Electoral map would look like if there’s been no tampering.

while this would have a certain amount of poetic justice, there’s a decent chance that his chattiness about Clinton’s emails and his silence on Trump’s dossier were motivated by a desire to influence the election, which is extremely illegal. And if that were the case, there would be intent, therefore I would want

I did as well, despite my low-grade dislike for Bryce Dallas Howard.