Horseasaurus Rex Cleared Cache n Cookies

What I’m worried about is when it comes back up...

At least this time it’s Florida Woman instead of Florida Man.

tsk tsk. She reps Nutrisystem.

and here I am thinking that if you beat someone down who is emotionally/financially dependent on you, it should be *more* severely punished than a random bar fight... silly me.

more important (IMO) is the “I don’t even wait” portion. Wait for what, pray tell? Consent? Yeah.

Yikes that sounds so awful. I have no clue if the UK has similar labor protections (I would assume so because of the better social safety net, but then again UK has weaker freedom of speech, so who knows...).

This film is phenomenal. It’ll gut you. She is perfection (as always). This is a very deserved win.

It occurred to me over the weekend that it’d been a while since I cried over the election results. Move that counter back to ZERO days since an election-induced eye-mist.

Yeah, i think a lot of stay at home moms never intend to go back to work, but the point is that if you decide to, or if your rich-ass husband suddenly becomes decidedly less rich-ass, it might mean you’re competing with 22 yo new college grads for an entry-level job.

yes, this. So much this. Anecdotal, for sure, but I’ve known a handful of women who re-entered the workforce (some because the great recession made their primary bread-winning husbands less bread-winning than before) and despite having degrees and experience they had to take entry-level jobs.

Are you in the US? I’m thinking maybe not since you said “sackable”. It’s illegal in the US.

from Ask a Manager: “the National Labor Relations Act says that employers cannot prevent employees from discussing wages and working conditions among themselves.”

there is. it is already illegal.

This one I do know, it is illegal to require that compensation be kept confidential. Firing someone for sharing their salary info is actually illegal.

WHAT THE FUCK grounds for termination? What fuckery is that? That CANNOT be legal. Any experts on labor law out there? JESus FUCKing CHrist that is insane.

That fucking sucks. I am so sorry. You didn’t need that bitter taste right as you were getting ready to giving birth. *hugs*

same... i shave legs/pits once a week tops, plus I use Harry’s, so my razor expenditure is pretty minuscule already. I’m trying really hard to not find hairy legs unattractive, but I’m having a really hard time. I’m blonde, so my hair is invisible except in direct sunlight, so at least there’s that.

I’m a woman who buys men’s razors b/c they’re cheaper (have done for over 10 years) and yet STILL it’s not fair for women’s shit to always cost more. There’s no point in victim blaming and saying that if you just grab the pink one without checking the price, you deserve to pay more. Sorry, no.

it’s all part of the socialization of women to stuff. We’re “used” to paying more for *everything* so therefore women become willing to pay more. It’s a feedback loop.