
In the first part Wonder Woman isn’t listed in the end-credits at all. I thought this was a mistake, as I was sure she was in the episode. So I rewound it and she’s there, but she never says anything. Was this a cost-cutting thing? Having her appear in group scenes on the Watchtower, and having her fight the Injustice

On Netflix, this 2-parter comes later in the season, after the Legends 2-parter.  Any idea why?

I laughed when Ray asks the Guild if he can go into battle with them, and Green Lantern starts to say that is not a good idea, but one of the Guild enthusiastically says “Sure, come along!”  As if bringing a child into a battle with supervillains is not a big deal.

The Dan Slott run did almost as much damage to the character of Peter Parker/Spider-Man as Quesada’s OMD story.  It’s just bad, with multiple characters being written out of character to support the plot.  The only good story in his run is Superior, which literally required killing off Spider-Man and replacing him

I’m sure BND is good, but OMD just killed any interest I might have had in it.”

Quesada has repeatedly said that by doing OMD he wanted to bring Spider-Man back to the character he read when he was younger - a single Peter Parker in high school with an Archie Andrews type dating life.

In BND they had multiple writers on ASM (called The Brain Trust). While Slott’s BND stories were better than the rest of the Brain Trust, they were still pretty bad. The BND stories were constantly hitting the reader over the head again and again to convince us that a younger and less mature Peter Parker was better

This is literally the explanation given to the viewers in the episode. The reviewer is just repeating it here.  Not sure why you had a problem with him saying that.

“the reader that refuses to buy Amazing Spider-Man because of ‘Brand New Day,’ even though Dan Slott is telling one of most exhilarating superhero stories on the stands.”

Wait ... Joe Rogan is a comedian???

The biggest question about season 2 is ... will it continue immediately after the season 1 finale ended, or will there be a time jump?

I did laugh in the second episode when Batman is laid up with the sickness at the Watchtower, and we see that the top part of his costume is removed but they left his mask on. Even though he’s unconscious and dying of a disease, the League wants to protect his secret identity (I assume Superman is the only member who

I appreciated the moment when Hawkgirl says that Aresia is an orphan and that can affect someone, and we see Batman have a brief reaction to that, but they don’t linger on it and just move on. Pretty sure no one in the League (except Superman) knows Batman’s secret identity, including that he’s an orphan and that’s

No jaded horror fans are going to get goosebumps from Oculus’ recycled tricks.”

You think a haunted mirror can’t stop people from smashing it?

They literally address this in the movie.  And the younger versions of the siblings eventually try to smash the mirror, with unsuccessful results.

Wow, I don’t think I have ever disagreed with an AVClub review as much as this one. This series was amazing, and from the other reviews and reaction videos I’ve seen, it’s beloved.

Bev’s turn was not set up. Yes, she was self-righteous and passive-aggressive, but not ‘Oh, you’re a vampire, and you just killed someone, cool, let me help you’.” Bev is a true believer. She literally saw Leeza be healed by Father Paul, and then Father Paul comes back to life. She truly believes this is all because

Erin seems like she exists simply so Flangan can give his wife a juicy part complete with endless monologues.”

it took Father Paul a while before he burned in sunlight, for example, or for Leeza to be healed enough to walk”