
Kinja is going bye-bye soon. Prepare your joy accordingly.

Pretty much every other review that I’ve seen has said that this is Flanagan’s best work to date, so I’m hoping that this is just a case of it not being Katie’s bag.

She got Owen to rush to the lake, which allowed him to save the uncle/dad (can’t remember his name).

I wrote on another thread that I kept crying on the finale. God it was so sweet and I thought the series was great, just not scary. I totally disagree with these reviews and encourage people to watch it for themselves. That finale scene had me ready to bawl and I’m a almost 50 year old man. So great. 


Wow a D is a bit harsh.  This was actually my favorite episode of the bunch, that might be a controversial take.  Always a plus to have Kate Siegel.  Also I don't think this was abelist, or at the very least not written to be read like that.  When faced with inevitable death like tuberculosis, people tend to change

I very much enjoyed this episode, because it provided satisfying answers to all the questions I had leading up to it. I thought it was a well-written and captivating story.

oh, wow, jamie’s backstory monologue is one of my favorite parts of the season. to me it worked better than dani’s flashbacks. and I also disagree with the notion that the actresses have no chemistry.

I’ve been enjoying these reviews so far and there’s plenty of good observation in them, but I could not disagree more with that paragraph about Jamie and Dani. it’s a gorgeously rendered romance, my favourite on TV in a long long time, and there is clear chemistry between the actors. (we really didn’t need Carla

Listen - Hannah Grose has become unstuck in time.

Bit late to the party, but she’s also been Ivy’s girlfriend in the comics. It’s definitely not limited to fanfic.

I've got you, old chum!

Michael Ironside was a perfect choice for Darkseid. Whenever I read a comic with Darkseid, his voice is the one I 'hear.'

I'm partial to "I have no idea who this is."

FYI, Alan Thicke didn't voice Steve Trevor. It was Patrick Duffy.

Good point, @aboynamedart:disqus .

Where's The Riddler?

For the record, I refuse to buy Amazing Spider-Man, but not because of Brand New Day. I refuse because of One More Day and what a festering pile of shit that was. I'm sure BND is good, but OMD just killed any interest I might have had in it.

They weren't killed off there, just knocked out from sickness.  You weren't supposed to think that killed them.

I believe you meant to say "mean, green mother from outer space", Sava.