
Ali took communion because he had been going to mass for several days with his other teenage friends.  We don’t see this onscreen but we see that mass attendance skyrockets after Leeza can walk again, so we know that all of the people suddenly attending church - including Ali - are taking communion every day at these

If you’re talking about the Flanagan Hill House series then you really missed out by not finishing it, as it’s universally praised.

This is a world where nobody knows about vampires.  It makes much more sense for the doctor to go at the problem from a medical or scientific viewpoint instead of remembering old movies.

This is a world without vampires.  So the version of The X-Files in MM’s universe would not include the episodes about vampires.

This is a world where vampires don’t exist.  Just because Riley had horror movie posters on his wall (from his youth) doesn’t mean that everyone knows about all monsters - including vampires.

There are many horror stories where - in the world of the story - the monster does not already exist and no one has ever heard of them.

In that monologue the sheriff is explaining to Erin why he can’t investigate the church. He just wants to live a quiet life on this island and raise his son in safety and not make any waves.

It makes sense that the only survivors would be children, since they are the most innocent compared to the adults (before everyone becomes vampires).

Bev decided to burn all of the other buildings - except the church and rec center - in order to kill all remaining “non-believers” and give them nowhere else to hide.  Her plan was for the believers to return to the church and rec center and hide when the sun came up, then the next night they’d all get into boats and

I feel bad for anyone that watched this series but “skipped” through all of the monologues.  They would have missed the whole point of the series this way.

“Did Ali, the Sheriff’s son, ever take the angel blood?”

Yes, you’re right, because in Hill House the writing is the worst part of the project.

Bly Manor had 1-2 good eps but otherwise felt less...scary, I guess, than Hill House”

This is an incredibly bad take.

Why in the world is this story called “The Brave and the Bold”?

The animators get around Cartoon Network’s ‘no blood’ rule by not making blood red. Krodar The Terrible shoots out black fluid, while Draaga’s face and body have small neon green lines where he’s bleeding.”

But Deadpool was just a one-note rip-off of Deathstroke when Liefeld created him”

or Bev existing at all” People like Bev exist in the real world. She is the most believable part of this series. If you think she was over the top, you’re very lucky. But people like Bev are out there.

like that the doctor could have called the cops and said that a bunch of people just got murdered on the island and they have to come out”

This comment did not age well.