
Eternal Youth is the first (?) episode that shows any semblance of Alfred having a personal life outside of his job. Maggie just appears out of nowhere and at first I didn’t know if she was Alfred’s girlfriend, they were just friend, or if she had an unrequired crush on him.  This would have worked better if Maggie

Gordon says that his men search Mrs. Thomas’ place, but they apparently missed the HUGE HONKING CLUE videocassette from the Eternal Youth Spa sitting right in front of her TV. Gotham Central, this ain’t.”

“as the title card music spoils Mad Hatter’s involvement early on. Watching Bruce come to terms with his new life while knowing it’s all a plot by Mad Hatter builds the tension up to the cathartic bell tower climax”

“It’s us.”

Wow wow wow wow ... wow.

The fact that non-booing audience members sitting right next to the outraged people are smiling and laughing kind of takes away the possibility that this could be a real reaction.

Surprised that the review (and none of the comments, from what I saw) mentioned the 1 month time jump at the very end of the episode. That just seemed to come out of nowhere, and felt like the show wanted to jump ahead to where Jason and Tahani were a happy couple. But it felt like a very “blink and you miss it”

I loved how the cowboy boot (with foot) flew into Chidi’s hands, with Eleanor asking if a foot could really fly like that after being hit by a trolley.

Me in 2004: “Wait, John Locke was a famous philosopher?”

Ahsoka was upset that she wasn’t held above the law”

“he was in some wildly overrated books 30 years ago”

Wasn’t he frightened by the whole ‘essence scooped out and roasted on the surface of many suns’ last season?”

This comment did not age well.

This comment aged surprisingly well.

I also noticed that Bruce was going to rest for 2 days in the Batcave and not his bedroom. Another way to show us that Bruce is more at home in the Batcave - the world of Batman - than in his bedroom upstairs - the world of Bruce Wayne.

When one of the orderlies tries to take off Batman’s mask, Bartholomew refuses, saying, ‘His mask is at the root of his delusional fixation. Taking it off might plunge him into a catatonic state.’ So if someone walks into Arkham wearing a mask, they’re not at all interested in identifying him? Contacting his family?

So this comment aged terribly.

With this logic, every time someone is shot with a gun they should die. But medical science tell us that it depends on where you are shot, and that not all gunshots are fatal.

I liked that Appointment in Crime Alley never came out and told the viewer what Batman’s appointment actually was. The show assumed the viewer knew enough about Batman, and was smart enough, to figure it out.