
While Bruce is working out, we learn his terrifying physical deformity: no nipples.”

The mayor takes the subway?”

It always bothered me that Batman apparently has a collection of cats and mice in the Batcave that he only uses for animal testing of unknown chemicals.

So was this the first episode where Batman fought someone who had actual super-powers?


When Idle enters the scene for the Timmy Williams sketch, the audience’s instant reaction to him always made me think that Idle either looked like - or was dressed like in this sketch - a famous personality in Britain at the time. Or maybe it was his dialect or voice that the audience was reacting to. Just another one

“Gordon also believes Red Claw to be a man, which shows how much he knows about the subject.”

How could this entire review not mention that Red Claw was voiced by Kathryn Janeway herself - Kate Mulgrew?

This was another great episode, but the first (?) one that did not have a cliffhanger present itself during the end credits. Yes, I want to know what happens next, but every (?) previous episode had a big WTF moment during its end credits.  This episode just kind of ... ended.  Which isn’t a bad thing, it just felt

Not “Bullllll-shit”.  Freeze is the kind of villain who would think that it was up to his henchmen to stay out of the line of fire.  If they got hit by one of his freeze gun blasts, it’s their own fault, not his.

I assume Trevor was about to throw The Other Eleanor off of it before it left. One final bit of terrible behavior from him - instead of letting The Other Eleanor gently off the train, he’d just push her off while it was moving.

My only complaint about this episode is that “The Other Eleanor” was listed in the guest cast in the end credits before she appeared or was even mentioned, which kind of ruined the surprise for me, since that credit meant she would appear before the episode ended.

While these episodes are great, there’s a problem that’s not specifically a problem with these episodes but more than likely the show in general.

Man, this comment did not age well.  Was this *ever* true?

This is ironic because I never watched this on NBC and am currently watching it on Netflix.

Batman shows some cracks in his usually steadfast demeanor after he rescues the Sewer King from an oncoming train. ‘I don’t pass sentence. That’s for the courts. But this time–this time–I am sorely tempted to do the job myself.’ What has pushed Batman to this point? The episode doesn’t explain.”

He should have added “After a while ...”

The Joker has just shot Barbara, paralyzing her, kidnapped Gordon and traumatized him by forcing him to look at sexual pictures of his daughter, and Batman decides that after the Joker did all of this that the two of them can share a laugh together.

I love that by doing this “heist” on him, they actually gave him a better relationship with his dead father - one that never actually existed.

To be fair, Ben didn’t know that her father was the Burglar. And that was in the Dan Jurgens issues of Sensational Spider-Man, which were great.