
That reminds me of when William H. Macy was on Dennis Miller’s show (back before he went crazy) to promote a film - can’t remember which one but it was a prestige drama) - and at the end Miller asked what else he was working on and Macy said Jurassic Park III. Miller didn’t even try to hide his laughter and mockingly

Kraven only has one good story, and SPOILER it’s the one where he kills himself at the end. There’s a reason why when JM deMatteis asked Marvel if he could write a 6-part Spidey/Kraven story where he could kill off Kraven at the end, Marvel replied “Yeah, sure, who cares?”

Kraven’s best story is Kraven’s Last Hunt, and it’s not even close.  After that every other Kraven story is tied for second (or last).

After having seen all of season 3, I find it funny that this season did everything that it was announced before season 1 aired that Stewart said he would not do in a Picard series - have him be in the captain’s chair of the Enterprise, say “Make it so”, “Engage”, etc.  I love the idea that the showrunners had to

Well this comment didn’t age well. :)

To be fair, Stewart *is* the show.  If he made stipulations to doing the show in the first place, the showrunners were pretty much stuck with that.

If you didn’t watch seasons 1 and 2 the only things you’ll be unsure of in season 3 are:


I feel that the title of the previous episode (The Spies) negatively effected my enjoyment of these last 2 episodes. The fact that it was “spies” plural made me think “Oh, Kane is a spy, which means there’s another spy in this episode ... is it one of the Mandalorians? Is it the Armorer? Is it Bo? Is it Ax Woves?”

The problem with Gideon having access to cloning technology and knowing that he has cloned himself means that his “death” means nothing because the show could bring him back later and say “This is the real Gideon, the one Mando fought last time and we saw die was just a clone that the real Gideon sent into that

If you haven’t watched the episode yet, don’t go to a TV/movie website that will have a review of it on the front page.

Grogu normally only makes monosyllabic noises, but at the end of this episode someone talks to him and he says what sounds like 3 or 4 words in a row - it wasn’t English (sorry, Basic) but still. Was it just me or was this the first time he ever said a full sentence like that?

I felt bad for Carl Weathers.  His planet got taken over by pirates, a bunch of Mandalorians arrives and saved them, he invited them to stay and gave them some land, they accepted, and a day later they all left to go back to their home planet.

I thought it had to make a reappearance for sure.”

Why would anyone go to an entertainment website before they have watched the episode?  This is like someone going onto Twitter before watching the episode and seeing related hashtags and complaining that Twitter spoiled the episode.  If you can’t watch the episode right away then don’t go online where you could see

I came to the show late (after season 2 ended) so it was hilarious watching season 1 and reading the reviews and comments and seeing LaurenceQ week after week saying that this show sucked and it would be a massive failure.  Once he realized the show was a hit his comments turned into “This show is a hit but you’re

He spent the entire first season posting comments about how the show sucked and it would never be a hit.  Once he realized it was a massive hit his comments turned to “I’m right and you’re wrong, you’ll eventually realize that this show sucks.”  It was hilarious to read knowing how successful the show was after the

Well, that sounds like a you problem.”

“The Spies” was a terrible name for this episode. The only spy was Kane, and her impact on this episode was minimal at best, so even if you’re going to stick with this name it should be “The Spy” but again that is a terrible name for this episode which was mostly not about her or her impact.

“presumably meaning it was these guys who freed Gideon from prison, not actual Mandalorians, so that was a bizarre misdirect a few episodes ago”